
所属专题:高中名著精读  来源:    要点:雾都孤儿  
编辑点评: 《雾都孤儿》,原名《奥利弗游记》,是英国作家Charles John Huffam Dickens的代表作之一。在这部著作中,Dickens用一支笔把对于社会上千百万个孤苦无告的弱小者的无限同情和深切爱怜都倾注在了奥利弗这个儿童主角的身上,其笔下善恶之花齐放,充满了浓厚的浪漫主义情调和人文主义关怀。今天小编带来的就是本书第二章的部分选段,快和小编一起感受一下它的魅力吧。

2  O liver’s first job
2  奥利弗的第一个工作

O liver stayed a prisoner alone in the dark room for a week. He cried bitterly all day,and when the long night came,he spread his little hands over his eyes to shut out the darkness, and tried to sleep.He was given freezing water to wash with,and was beaten daily by Mr Bumble in front of all the other boys in the hall,as a warning to them.

解析:try to do sth 努力做某事、尽力做某事(此事不一定成功了)
eg: I try to do something to help those homeless dogs.

One day Mr Bumble met the local undertaker, Mr Sowerberry, outside the workhouse.

解析:undertaker 除了作为undertake的名词有承担者、承办人的意思之外,还有殡仪业人士、送葬者的意思
eg: Oliver had been sojourning at the undertaker's some weeks.

 ‘Do you know anybody who wants to train a boy for work,Mr Sowerberry?’Mr Bumble pointed at the notice on the wall above him, which offered five pounds to anybody who would take O liver Twist for work.

解析: train 作动词意为训练、培养、培训;作名词则有火车的意思
eg: I think you should train your dog.

Mr Sowerberry rubbed his chin and thought for a while. ‘I pay enough  for the  poor  with my  taxes,’ he said, ‘so why shouldn’t I be able to make use of the m in my work? Yes, I’ll take the boy myself.’

解析:rub 摩擦、揉搓;按摩
eg: He rubbed his forehead with the back of his hand.

And so the board agreed to send O liver to work for the undertaker.The necessary papers were signed.O liver’s small possessions were put into a brown paper parcel,and he was led to Mr Sowerberry’s house by Mr Bumble.As They walked along,tears began to run down O liver’s face.

解析:possession 领地、财产(表示财产是用复数形式)
eg: The long hair is the only possession that Della owns.

 ‘What is it this time?’asked Mr Bumble impatiently. ‘Don’t be so ungrateful.This gentleman is going to look after you.’

 ‘It’s just that I’m so lonely, sir!’ said the child. ‘Everybody hates me.Please don’t be angry with me,sir!’




