
所属专题:高中名著精读  来源:    要点:雾都孤儿  
编辑点评: 《雾都孤儿》,原名《奥利弗游记》,是英国作家Charles John Huffam Dickens的代表作之一。在这部著作中,Dickens用一支笔把对于社会上千百万个孤苦无告的弱小者的无限同情和深切爱怜都倾注在了奥利弗这个儿童主角的身上,其笔下善恶之花齐放,充满了浓厚的浪漫主义情调和人文主义关怀。今天小编带来的就是本书第十四章的部分选段,快和小编一起感受一下它的魅力吧。

4  The end of the mystery
14  揭开秘密

The next day O liver travelled with Mr Brownlow, Dr Losberne, Mrs May lie and Rose back to his birthplace. He had been told a little of his history, and knew that there would be more explanations at the end of this journey. He was anxious and uncertain, wondering what he would hear.

解析:explanation 解释、说明
动词原形是explain 说明、解释
eg: Please give me a explanation for your overstay.

uncertain 不确定的;含糊的
It is still uncertain who invented TV.

But towards the end of the journey, he began to recognize familiar places, and in great excitement pointed them out to Rose. There was the path he had taken when he had run away. There, across the fields, was the 'baby farm'.Then, as They drove into the town, he saw the house of Mr So werberry the undertaker, and the workhouse that had been his prison.

解析:familiar 熟悉的、常见的
常用短语 be familiar with 熟悉……
eg: I am familiar with English.

They stopped at the biggest hotel in the town, and went in to their rooms. During dinner Mr Brownlow stayed in a separate room, and the older members of the group went in and out with serious faces. Mrs May lie came back with her eyes red from crying. All this made Rose and O liver, who had not been told any new secrets, very nervous and uncomfortable.

At nine o'clock Dr Losberne and Mr Brown low brought Monks into the room. O liver was very surprised; this was the same man he had bumped into once outside a pub, and seen another time with Fagin, looking in at him through the window of the country cottage. O liver was told that Monks was his half-brother, and the boy stared at him in shock and amazement. Monks looked back at him with hatred.

解析:cottage 小屋;村社
eg: One of my friend bought a cottage last year.

'We have the whole story here in the se papers,' said Mr Brown low, putting them on the table. 'All we need now is for you to sign them, Monks. And to tell O liver what happened.'




