
所属专题:高中名著精读  来源:    要点:远离尘嚣  
编辑点评: 《远离尘嚣》是英国小说家托马斯·哈代的处女作,也是他此后一系列以威塞克斯乡村为背景的优秀长篇小说中的第一部。他的书名出自托马斯·格雷的诗作《墓园挽歌》中的一句“远离尘嚣中不光彩的争权夺利”。可主人公们的生活真的可以远离尘嚣吗?今天小编带来的就是本书第二章的部分选段,快和小编一起感受一下它的魅力吧。

2 Disaster for Gabriel Oak
2 盖伯瑞尔·奥克遭遇灾难

Young Farmer Oak was in love. He waited for the girl's regular visits to the sick cow just as impatiently as his dog waited to be fed. He discovered that her name was Bathsheba Everdene,and that she lived with her aunt,Mrs Hurst. His head was so full of her that he could think of nothing else.

解析:regular 定期的、有规律的、经常的
eg: But regular cleaning will keep the metal from rusting.

think of 考虑、想起
eg: “What are you thinking of?”

‘I'll make her my wife,’he declared to himself,‘or I'll never be able to concentrate on work again!’

解析:concentrate 集中、全神贯注
常用短语:concentrate on 全神贯注做某事
eg: You must concentrate all your energies on the study of English.

When she stopped coming to feed the sick cow,he had to find a reason for visiting her. So he took a young lamb,whose mother had died,and carried it in a basket across the fields to Mrs Hurst's house.

解析:feed 饲养、喂养
eg: Bees feed on nectar and pollen from flowers.

‘I've brought a lamb for Miss Everdene,’he told Bathshe-ba's aunt. ‘Girls usually like looking after lambs.‘

‘Thank you,Mr Oak,’replied Mrs Hurst,‘but Bathsheba is only a visitor here. I don't know if she'll keep it. ’




