高一英语下册《Unit 5 Music》教案

 来源:沪江高考资源网    要点:高一英语教案  
编辑点评: 学习者的情感因素,包括动机和态度等对英语学习的效果乃至成败起到相当大的作用。如何将素质教育理论引入外语教学是当前外语教学战线的一大课题。英语学习成功的因素中,除了智力因素外,更重要的是那些非智力因素的作用。

Contents: (1) Enable students to appreciate and classify different kinds of music by doing the exercise in Warming up
(2) Developing their abilities to express their feeling on music and enlarge their
knowledge on music
(3) Moral aim:
Step1  warming up
1、Introduce the topic of music through asking some question such as “Are you fond of music ,Are you good at singing, Can you play a musical instrument”
Ask students to answer the 4 questions in groups actively while introducing different kinds of music in the world.
Step2 pre—reading
(1)Get the students to discuss the questions with their partners and then ask them to report their work.. Encourage them express their opinion freely
1、Have you heard about any of famous bands in the words, please list them if you have   (Beatles, Back—street boy, West—life )
2、Which one do you like best?
(2)Introduce something about “The Monkeys”
Step2 skimming
Let the students listen to the tape and find out the answers to the following two questions.
1、What are the benefits if students former a band to play in the street?
2、When did “The Monkeys” break up and when did it reunite?
Step3 Second reading
In this part, students will read the text again and try to understand the sentences and the main idea of each paragraph, and then finish the exercise 2 and 4 in Comp rending
Step4 Homework: Fin out some language points in Reading and recite the new words in unit 5
Period 2
Contents: Deal with the language points in the text
Aim: Master the usage of the important points
Step1: Ask students to retell the story
Step2: Deal with the following language points.
(1)famous  adj  well or widely known
He is famous as a teacher
Be famous for
This town is famous for its beautiful buildings
(2)dream of sth/doing sth梦想
dream of a better future
dream of becoming famous
when she was young, she dream of being a doctor in the future.
(3)with +n + 现在分词或过去分词  构成复合结构在句中做状语
With winter coming it’s time for us to prepare for oust final exam.
With she was young, she dream of being a doctor in the future.
With +n/pron doing sth (伴随的动作)
Done (已经完成被动的动作)
To do (将来执行的动作)
Pre phrase
The professor came in with a lot students following.
With the problem solved, we all feel very happy.
With lily to help us, we can finish the work in an hour.
He likes to sleep with the door open.
With her son away from home, the girl went home happily.
With a bag on her back, the girl went home happily.
(4)clap(clapped, clapping) vt 拍,轻拍,振翼,拍翅膀 vi 拍手
They clapped their hands.
The audience clapped after his speech.
(5)pretend “假装,假扮”.后面常跟不顶式作定语
He pretend not to know the faces.
He pretend to be reading an important when the boss entered.
He pretended that he was ill so that he could stay at home.
(6)be honest with 对….说老实话,对…诚实
I shall be quite honest with you.我会跟你说实话的.
(7)extra  adj 剩余的,特别的
adv 剩余地,特别地
He is strong enough to carry the cargo , I don’t think he need some extra help.
I bought this picture at an extra high price.
(8)play jokes on sb : speak highly of or amusingly about sb/sth 拿某人开玩笑,与某人开玩笑
He is a serious , don’t play jokes on him
Don’t play jokes on the disables.
(9)be based on: use something as grounds 根据….以….为基础.
The story is based on real life.
The news repose is based on entirely on fact.
(10) at first,起初,开头,含有后来不好的意思
At first, she was afraid of water, but she soon later to swim.
(11) attractive    adj 有吸引力的,有魅力的.
Attract      vt 吸引力,引起
Attraction    n 吸引力
The girl is very attractive
Like attracts like 物以类聚
(12)even +比较级
It’s even colder than yesterday
Even/much/a lot/far+比较级
The garden is much more beautiful than one
(13) break up: make something separated using force 解散,分裂,解体,驱散
The crowd started to break up when the night fell
Their marriage broke up a few years later.
(14) by chance=by accident 偶然地,意外地 反义词on purpose
I met her quite by chance
(15) sort out: separate from a mass or a large group 分类,拣出
The farmer sorted the best apples for eating
1、Use the language points in this period to make sentence
2、Exercise1,2,3 in using language

Period 3

Contents: (1)Learning about language
(2)Grammar: Discovering useful structure
Aims:   (1)Let Ss can use correct words and expressions to finish the exercise
(2)Master the grammar on P36-37

Step1、Dictate the new words and phases which we learnt in the last period
Step2、Check the answer of the Ex 1,2,3and explain some language points
Step3、The Attributive clause with preposition ahead of the relative clause
Ask students to find the Attributive clause out of text
Finish the exercise on P36
Summary up the usage of the Attributive clause with preposition ahead of relative clause with help of teacher
Step4、Homework: preview the Using language on P37

Period 4
Contents: Listening and Reading on P37
Aims:    Train the students to listen to the story about Freed
Train the students’ abilities to express the advantages and disadvantages of being famous
Moral Aims: Tell students everything has both advantage and disadvantage ,just like every coins has two sides
Teaching procedures:
Step1: Listen to the tape and answer the following questions
1、Let’s listen to the story about Freed and see what Freed found when he swam slowly towards the sound
2、Listen to for the detail information and decide which of the statements are true or false on P37
Step2: Fast reading
Read the text, then answer the following questions
1、Did Freedy and his hand get a great success in Britain?
2、What disadvantages of Freed become famous?
3、Did Freedy and his band leave Britain at last? Why
Step3: The language points in the reading
1、be confident +从句 对---有信心
be confident of (about, in)对---有信心
He is quite confident that he’ll pass the driving text
Don’t be too confident in your own opinion
Tom is confident of his ability to overcome the difficulty



