
 来源:    要点:莫言获诺奖  
编辑点评: 诺贝尔奖官方网站报道,诺贝尔文学奖于北京时间19时揭晓,中国作家莫言获得2012年诺贝尔文学奖。莫言成为有史以来首位获得诺贝尔文学奖的中国籍作家。他的主要作品有《红高粱家族》等。

The 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to Mo Yan"who with hallucinatoryrealism merges folk tales, history and the contemporary".

Through a mixture of fantasy and reality, historical and social perspectives, Mo Yan has created a world reminiscentin its complexity of those in the writings of William Faulkner and Gabriel Garcia Marquez, at the same time finding a departure point in old Chinese literature and in oral tradition.


Mo Yan is a Chinese author, described as "one of the most famous, oft-banned and widely pirated of all Chinese writers". He is known in the West for two of his novels which were the basis of the film Red Sorghum. He has been referred to as the Chinese answer to Franz Kafka or Joseph Heller.

Mo Yan's works are predominantly social commentary, and he is strongly influenced by the politicalcritique of Lu Xun and the magical realism of Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Using dazzling, complex, and often graphically violent images, Mo Yan draws readers into the disturbing yet beautiful, kaleidoscopic universes of his stories. He sets many of his stories near his hometown, Northeast Gaomi Township in Shandong province.




