
所属专题:疯狂星期三,课程半价抢!  来源:    要点:高考英语作文  
编辑点评: 在英语作文中,文字、图画或图表同等重视,不可厚此薄彼。而文体不同,其要点、重点不同。熟悉这类图表文体,看懂这类图表,在高考作文中也至关重要。

2,下列图表反映的是我校2002年与2005年学生健康状况调查的部分数据。请你用英文为某报写一份报告,反映该校三年间学生健康状况的变化情况,分析其原因并提出相应的改进措施( 不少于两条)。



A recent survey shows that the health of the students in our school has been going from bad to worse in the past three years . The number of nearsighted students has increased from 78.2% in 2002 to 92.5% in 2005 , and that of overweight , from 36% to 52.4%. Compared to 2002 nearly 10% more students lack sleep because of more homework to do . Besides , over 15% more students has become mentally unhealthy .

To improve students’ health , we call for less homework . Only in this way can students get plenty of sleep and meanwhile prevent them from getting nearsighted . Proper d iets and exercise should also be paid attention to so that they won’t easily put on weight . With their heavy burdens removed , students can then be mentally healthy.




One possible version:

Since 13th Oct., 2011, China has been captivated by the distressing case of two­year­old girl Xiao Yueyue, who was coldly ignored by passers­by as she lay bleeding in the street after be ing struck by a delivery van. Video shared widely across social media documented the incident in horrifying detail, including at least 18 people walking past Xiao Yueyue's body without so much as a glance.

In my eyes, those 18 people have shamed the whole of China. Owing to the new complexities of Chinese social life, people had lost their reverence for life and felt indifferent or even cold about life or death.

Any one of us might become the ‘passer­by’ at the side of Xiao Yueyue. If I were one of them, I would stop, move her out of the center of the road, or extend a hand of comfort, carrying her away from danger. Everybody should examine his own conscience: if we were in the same situation next time, how could we help ourselves? Only by lifting a hand to help others, we save ourselves.




