
所属专题:疯狂星期三,课程半价抢!  来源:    要点:高考英语作文  
编辑点评: 高考英语作文中,记叙文是考的最多的体裁。此种体裁的作文其关键是什么,我们看看讲解,更简单的掌握。高考英语作文其实并不难,只要掌握的窍门,难的也很简单。



(1)He is a great person in history.

 (2 )Last Sunday,I took the G R E.It was the longest test I had ever taken.

 (3 )My middle school years were the best part of my life.



1. 期中考试后放了三天假,我看了一场马戏。


3. 马戏是一种力与美结合的艺术。通过这次表演,我体会到了中国马戏艺术的博大精深。
参考词汇:马戏表演circus show 刺激的thrilling 钢丝tightrope 平衡杆balancing pole 钢杆steel bar


Watching a circus show

I had a three-day holiday after the mid-term examination, so I decided to relax myself by watching a circus show.
A girl appeared on the stage. She rode a one-wheel bike on a small table with a lot of flowers on it. She didn’t knock down even one flower. Some little dogs also did a good job. The four little dogs did some amusing tricks and one of them could calculate the number! How clever they were!

The most thrilling program was to see a young man walking on a tightrope. He stood on the very thin rope with a balancing pole on his hands. On his head sat a little girl. Another two girls sat on the ends of a steel bar on his shoulder. The young man took his first step with great care. The rope held. One step! Two, three.... Every viewer held his breath. All the people were anxious about his safety, because the young actor didn’t fasten a safety belt. Any little carelessness could cost his life! At last he succeeded in walking across the 8-meter-long tightrope.

The performance lasted about two hours. I had a good time at the show.

The circus is the art of combination of strength and beauty. The Chinese circus is so cool!


小作者叙述了一次看马戏的经历。文章以时间为线索,叙述清楚,详略得当,层次分明,描写生动,过渡自然,显示了作者相当扎实的语言功底。在文章最后,小作者还谈了自己的感想,深化了主题。难能可贵的是小作者使用了较多的高级 表达方式,使文章增彩不少。如:复合形容词(onewheel, 8-meter-long),with复合结构(with a balancing pole on his hands),倒装句(On his head sat a little girl),感叹句(How clever they were!)等。




