
所属专题:高二英语单词  来源:沪江高考资源网    要点:高二英语知识点  
编辑点评: 学好英语要多读。读的内容可以是你的课本,但最好是一些有趣的小读物,因为现在的英语高考越来越重视阅读量和阅读速度。每道题的得分都与你的理解程度有很大关系,所以经过高中三年阅读的训练后,你必定会在高考中胜券在握。

Unit 4 Phrases

1.无论是公汽还是火车whether buses or trains

2.穿过 get through

3.疯了  as mad as a door

4.诗的乐园 a garden of poems

5.根据…分类 be sorted by

6.关于友谊和爱情的浪漫诗集romantic poetry about love and friendship

7.聚集到一起  bring together

8.超过其他文学的任何形式more than any other form of literature

9.灵活运用  play with

10.唤起,使想起 call up

11.梦幻世界的奇意象curious images of a dream world

12.兀立于荣光宝殿之上stand out in the halls of glory

13.遵循特殊的节奏和韵脚follow special patterns of rhythm and rhyme

14.以他的戏剧而闻名be most famous for his plays

15.使他们想起 remind them of

16.一旦被出版 once published

17.缺少节奏感 the absence of thyme

18.在每一行末  at the end of each line

19.许多杰出诗人  a great number of fine poets

20.在中国最受欢迎的是英国浪漫主义诗人 Greatly loved in China are the English Romantic poets

21.英年早逝  die at a very young age

22.活到80岁  live to the age of 80

23.通向,导致 lead to

24.英国诗歌引进中国the introduction of English poetry to China

25.把…翻译成汉语 translate into Chinese

26.现代英语诗modern poetry in English

27.不管一首诗被翻译得多好no matter how well a poem is translated

28.原作的精髓something of the spirit of the original work

29.用汉语表达自己的方式ways of expressing oneself in Chinese

30.中西方的桥梁the bridges between the East and the West

31.产生,形成  come into being

32. …的一例  one example of

33.在老师不在的情况下in the absence of the teacher

34.负责  be in charge of

35.温暖又友好的会议气氛 the atmosphere of the meeting is warm and friendly

36.奥运冠军 the Olympic Champion

37.西游记  Journey to the West

38.夜里被噪声吓坏frightened by noises in the night

39.被跟踪  be followed by

40.寻求帮助  send for help

41.如果被单独留在沙漠中If left alone on a deserted island

42.收到做报告的请柬 receive many invitations to give lectures

43.受中国青年的欢become popular among Chinese teenagers

44.唱我最喜欢的歌sing my favorite songs

45.渡过这一天 get through the day

46.处于灰色和深色之间colors in the middle of grays and shades

47.过去逃避诗 used to avoid poetry

48.查找词意look up the meaning of the words

49.体验到节奏感  fall into the rhythm

50.从小诗开始  start with small poems

51.借助烛光  by the light of candle

52.悲伤一去不复返  my sadness is gone

53.雪尘  the dust of snow

54.心情的改变  a change of mood

55.几乎发狂  slowly go insane

56.不能摆脱痛苦 it doesn't stop the pain

57.如果从此再也不能相见if I see you next to never

58.诗的收藏  collections of poems

59.向你推荐诗  recommend poems to you

60.很值得努力  be well worth the effort




