
所属专题:2014山东高考一模试卷及答案  来源:    要点:2014滨州英语一模  
编辑点评: 全国各地的一模卷出炉啦!沪江高考资源网即时为大家汇总了各地的一模试题与答案哦~以下是2014山东滨州高考英语一模试题及答案(附答案),小伙伴们快快来练习吧!



I became a grown woman before I knew it.There are many of my friends,whose 11  have passed away,saying they  12  expressed their gratitude to their mothers until it was too late to tell them.

I am very happy my dear mother is still  13  and well.As I grow older and wiser,I realize what a great person she is.I am 14 with my wise mother.I am sorry that words are always escaping me when I was to express thanks to her in her presence,15    they often flow easily from my pen.Besides  16  itself,love,patience,hard work,as well as understanding a  17 teenager and  18  such a proud college student are all my mother has given me.

Dear God,I want to ask you to bless her and to help  19  live up to the example she has set.I 20 that I will look as good in the eyes of my children as my mother looks in mine.

11.A.fathers     B.friends        C.mothers      D.sisters

12.A.always     B.never         C.often        D.occasionally

13.A.rich        B.young        C.alive         D.wise

14.A.depressed   B.disappointed   C.concerned    D.blessed

15.A.but        B.still           C.however     D.otherwise

16.A.success     B.position       C.fame        D.1ife

17.A.moody     B.happy         C.considerate   D.good

18.A.scolding    B.punishing      C.discouraging  D.tolerating

19.A.her        B.me           C.them         D.it

20.A.pray       B.insist         C.wish         D.advise


阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在21—40各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出  可以填人空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

I was on my way home to Cincinnati from a business trip to New York,one day later than planned.My wife was admitted to 21 that afternoon for surgery,and I was    22 about getting back as soon as possible.

When I 23 at the ticket counter to board the flight,the agent 24 me that I would be responsible for my own luggage when I25 planes at Kennedy Airport.I had a 26 ,a briefcase with books and a case of equipment  27  for my job as an engineer.“What about the entire luggage?” I 28 ,‘‘I’ll have only a few minutes to make my connecting 29 .’’“The airport bus won’t be far away,’’she said.

I 30 the plane and while it ran on the runway I figured anxiously.Finally I bowed  my  31  and prayed,“Lord,please help me make my connecting flight.My wife is 32  me."I took a deep breath and tried to relax during the 45-minute trip.

Upon 33 ,I saw the airport bus in the distance and struggled with my luggage.I  can’t34 that plane!

“Sir,"som eone said behind me,“it looks like you need  35  .’’A skycap(搬运工)!“We’llget you right on the bus,’’he said,36 his dolly(推车)with my luggage.He  rolled it along while I walked  37  beside him.

As he put my luggage in the airport bus.38 for my wallet to tip him and thank  him.But when I 39 ,he was gone.“What happened to that skycap?’,I asked the official next to me.“Skycap?”, he said,looking40.‘‘The man who helped you is the  director of the airport.’’

21.A.hospital    B.clinic    C.station     D.office

22.A.serious     B.crazy    C.curious    D.anxious

23.A.arrived     B.attended  C.reached   D.moved

24.A.guaranteed  B.promised  C.informed  D.showed

25.A.chased     B.ordered   C.switched   D.rode

26.A.ticket     B.suitcase    C.wallet     D.passport

27.A.useless    B.comfortable C.broken     D.necessary

28.A.doubted    B.questioned C.complained  D.screamed

29.A.bus       B.flight      C.train      D.subway

30.A.caught    B.planned    C.boarded   D.arranged

31.A.hand      B.head      C.waist      D.chest

32.A.thinking about B.caring about C.worrying about  D.counting on

33.A.1anding      B.approaching C.1eaving     D.lowering

34.A.take        B.miss        C.1ike       D.fly

35.A.job         B.help        C.money     D.ticket

36.A.placing      B.fixing       C.loading   D.putting

37.A.gratefully    B.hopefully    C.carefully   D.curiously

38.A.applied      B.accounted   C.searched   D.reached

39.A.spoke out    B.set up       C.set out    D.looked up

40.A.excited      B.moved      C.puzzled    D.worried




