
所属专题:2016高考英语作文预测  来源:    要点:高考英语作文范文  
编辑点评: 英语作文到底该如何写才算写的好?怎样才算符合要求?即将参加高考的小伙伴一定已经为此努力很久了,那么我们赶快来看2016年高考英语作文的优秀范文吧?拿起纸笔,一起学习!
  范文: students volunteers brought sunshine to the elderly
  On May Day , Liyue and zhang hua , students from class three ,Grade two , went to sunshine nursing home and did some voluntary work . Upon their arrival, Li yue and Zhang hua were warmly welcomed ,and respectfully, they presented the elderly with fruits and flowers .Then they started working at once ,cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor . Everything done, they sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people.
  When it was time for the volunteers to leave, the elderly people thanked them for their kindness . They said it was such a beautiful day that they would remember it forever.
  Li yue and zhang hua were very happy. What they did has brought joy to other people and enriched their own lives.
  By chen jie , school newspaper





