
所属专题:疯狂星期三,课程半价抢!  来源:    要点:高考英语复习资料  
编辑点评: 欧洲全称欧罗巴洲,是世界第六大洲,是世界人口第三多的洲,仅次于亚洲和非洲,人口密度平均每平方公里70人,欧洲东以乌拉尔山脉、乌拉尔河,东南以里海、高加索山脉和黑海与亚洲为界,西隔大西洋、格陵兰海、丹麦海峡与北美洲相望.


柏林:由于德国和法国反对美国出兵伊拉克,美国国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德在对其进行贬损时所用的一个词———"老欧洲",被德国语言专家评审团评为2003年度词汇。当拉姆斯菲尔德所说的这个词被反对伊拉克战争的人们骄傲地用作战斗口号之后,设在威斯巴登市的德国语言协会在一年一度的评选当年最有代表性词汇的民意测验中,选择了das alte Europa(德语老欧洲)。
“老欧洲”一词本意是用来刺激我们的,但它的意思却经历了转化,现如今欧洲人将其作为正面的拥有自信的新代名词。"语言协会主席鲁朵尔夫·胡伯格于周五说道,"这是一个非常有意思的词,因为它在跨越国界后有了新的意思。"他补充道。BERLIN (Reuters) - "Old Europe", a term US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld used to disparage Germany and France for resisting war in Iraq, was named phrase of the year in Germany by a panel of language experts. The Wiesbaden-based Society for the German Language made "das alte Europa" its choice in the annual poll for the expression of the year after Rumsfeld's phrase became a popular rallying cry①used proudly by opponents of the war.
"The term 'old Europe' was originally used as a provocation, but its meaning underwent a transformation and now stands as a new-found symbol of positive self-confidence among Europeans," Rudolf Hoberg, chairman of the language society, said Friday. "It's an extremely interesting term because it took on new meanings across borders," he added.




