高二英语上册Unit 5 Canada —"The True North"教案

 来源:沪江高考资源网    要点:教案  
编辑点评: 语言是有声的,我们对语言的感受首先是语言的声音作用于我们的大脑。如果不练习听力,只是默默地阅读和背单词,其结果不仅听不懂别人讲外语,而且阅读水平也难以提高。

A Trip on “The True North” 第一课时教案设计
人教版高中英语必修三第5单元主题是Canada,Warming Up部分设计了五个关于加拿大的问题测试,Reading是题为A Trip on “The True North” 的一篇游记,通过两个女孩的加拿大之旅,向我们介绍了加拿大的一些基本概况,包括它的地理位置、主要城市、自然资源、风土人情以及多元文化。
课本Warming up部分的问题较为简单,而阅读文章不仅篇幅较长,且专有名词较多,如果事先准备不足,学生很可能读完之后只了解了文字意思,而对文中涉及的地方及其方位、特色仍旧非常模糊,本节课整合Warming up 和Reading两部分,在Warming up 的过程中投入较大精力,以便学生更好理解课文。
Step1. Warming up
1. Lead-in
T: Today we’re going to learn about an important English-speaking country in North America. It’s very famous for its maple trees. Do you know which country it is? (Show the national flag of Canada and a beautiful big maple tree.)
(After the Ss gave the answer, I kept asking.) When we want to introduce or learn about a country, what should we mention or what should we know? (I helped the Ss make a list: location, climate, area, capital, people, language, large cities, resources and produce, etc.)
2. Reading the map and Talking
on the north of the USA and shares four of the five great lakes with it;(introduce the Niagara fall)
to the east of the Atlantic and west of the Pacific.;
has the longest coast in the world and the climate on the coast is much warmer and wetter than in the middle;
very cold especially in the north in winter.
the second largest country in the world;
5,500 km from coast to coast;
Ottawa, near the east coast.
Original residents were native Indians and Inuit;
Now mostly white people;
More and more Chinese are coming here and mainly live in Toronto, the largest city in Canada;
The whole population is slightly over thirty million.
(在这里我还向学生们介绍了三个著名的加拿大人:大山,Norman Bethune和Celine Dion, 引起了他们的极大兴趣。)
Canada used to be ruled by France and England; so two official languages—French (in Québec) and English.
Large cities:
Ottawa in the east;
Montréal near to Ottawa, which ever held the Summer Olympics in 1976;
Vancouver on the west coast, which held the Winter Olympics early this year. Vancouver is said to be the most beautiful city, surrounded by mountains and the Pacific Ocean.
Resources and produce:
lots of forests, especially along the Rocky Mountains;
trees very well as a result of the wet warm climate;
exports large quantities of wood and wheat every year;
thousands of other lakes in its inner land besides the four great lakes on the border;
more fresh water than any other country in the world--- one-third of the world’s total fresh water indeed.
Step2. Fast reading
1. The Ss were asked to skim the text and find out “what is the True North”. Then I introduced the other meaning of “the True North”—Canada.
2. The Ss were told to read para.1 and answer the following questions:
Who were on the trip?
Where did they start and where were they going?
Where are the two places?
How did they go? Why?
3. The Ss skimmed the whole text and found out what other cities the children traveled past. (After being told to pay attention to big letters, the Ss quickly found out the answer.) Then we looked at the map on page 33 and got even clearer about the routine.
Step3. Careful reading for the following
1. Para2.
What did the children see going westward?
What are the “four most” the writer mentions about Vancouver?
2. Para3.
What did the children see when they crossed the Rocky Mountains?
What’s Calgary famous for? (I showed a video clip about the Stampede and this easily made the Ss impressed.)
3. Para 4
Where do most Canadians live?
What surprised the girls?
因为有了Warming up的铺垫,学生的阅读效率非常高,不仅很快找到答案,而且对文章所涉及的地方都有了非常形象具体的了解。
Step4. Summary and homework
T: After reading the whole text, you’ve got quite clear about Canada. It has so many attractions. If someday you have the chance to go to Canada, where will you go? Why?
Write your answers down in a passage as homework.
英语教学专家Jeremy Harmer 在论述如何教阅读时曾经说过:When they(students) are really fired up by the topic or the task ,they get much more from what is in front of them.



