高考单选完型高频词天天练: on/ once

所属专题:高考英语词汇  来源:沪江高考资源网    要点:高考高频词汇天天练  
编辑点评: 高考单选、完型词汇如何高分?词海茫茫有木有?现在不用担心啦!我们精心整理了500多个高频词组,此乃精华中的精华,帮你完胜单选完型,笑傲高考英语!高频词组送你一把开启单选完型高分的金钥匙啊~~~还等神马,赶快来记忆啊!


1.on the spot 在场;马上

(1)The doctor was on the spot a few minutes after the accident.


(2)He discussed business and concluded transactions with us on the spot.


2. on the whole 总的来说,大体上

(1)His resignation will have a ripple effect on the whole department.


(2)My opinion is on the whole the same as yours.


3. on time 准时

(1)Barring accidents, we should arrive on time.


(2)He made a concentrated effort to finish the work on time.


4. on(the)average 平均,通常

(1)Every tonne of coal contains,on average,30 kilograms of nitrogen.


(2)He spends on the average two hours a day on reading.


5. once (and) for all 一劳永逸地

(1)The teacher has warned the student once(and)for all.


(2)He will explain it fully once (and) for all.





