美高中生英文水平测试100词 你认识几个?!

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编辑点评: 网上现流传着一份【检验美国高中生水平的100个单词】列表,想知道自己的词汇量和美国高中生相比怎么样吗?不知同为高中生的你认识几个,反正小编是已经败北,回炉再造背单词去了……

Converse(匡威)这个品牌取自于创办人Marquis M. Converse先生的姓氏,
Converse即康弗斯,含义是“皈依者(convert)”,就是完全(con-)虔诚地“转”(vers)向某一宗教组织,词根vers 和vert 都是“转”。

9. incontrovertible/ˏɪŋkɔntrəˈvɜːtəbl/(in- 不,contro-=contra- 反对,vert转,controvert转向相反→持有相反的观点→反驳,就…展开争论;-ible可…的;不可反驳的→)
a. definitely true and impossible to be proved false 无可争辩的,不容置疑的,无可辩驳的
There is now incontrovertible evidence that the government is violating the agreement.

10. vortex/ˈvɔːteks; ˋvɔrtɛks/(是vertex的变体,即vort=vert转,-ex名词后缀;风、水等旋转得很快形成的→)
n. (pl 复数作 ~es 或 -tices / -tɪsiːz; -tɪˏsiz/)
1. (technical) a mass of air, water, etc. that spins around very fast and pulls things into its centre(风或水形成的)旋风,旋涡
2. (literary) a very powerful feeling, force or situation that you cannot avoid or escape from: (感情或局势的)旋涡
I was sucked into a vortex of despair.
want 除了“要”,还有“缺乏,缺少”的意思,词根wan就表示“缺”,“缺”失了就有“空”。
wan(t), van, vain, vac 空,缺

印欧词根形式为*(e)wa-n-“离开,离弃,用完,耗尽”,所以派生词的意思为“被离弃的,缺乏的,空的”。词根为vac, wan 等是 wa, va 等带后缀或扩展的形式。

记得有人区分不了vacation和vocation,其实二者最大的区别在词根,词根vac 是“空,缺”,空出的一段时间就是vacation。

11. vacuous/ˈvækjuəs/(vac空,u=-uus 形容词后缀,vacu就是拉丁语vacuus空的,-ous有…特性的;头脑里空的→)
a. (formal) showing no sign of intelligence or sensitive feelings 无知的;空洞的; 无意义的
a vacuous remark/question/expression/smile
Male models are not always so vacuous as they are made out to be.

vanish 中的也是van空,当然还有vain:

12. evanescent/ˏiːvəˈnesnt; US ˏev-; ˏɛvəˋnɛsnt/(e- out, van 空,-esce开始,-ent形容词后缀;开始变空即消失的→)
a. (literary) disappearing quickly from sight or memory: (fml 文) 瞬间即逝的;迅速遗忘的
Talk is evanescent, writing leaves footprints.

Fidius 是罗马信用之神。
fid, fed, faith 信任

13. diffident/ˈdɪfɪdənt; ˋdɪfədənt/(dif-=dis- ‘away’ 分离,缺乏,fid信任,-ent形容词后缀;缺乏对自己信任的→)
a. ~ (about sth) not having much confidence in yourself; not wanting to talk about yourself 缺乏自信的;胆怯的;羞怯的
You shouldn't be so diffident about your achievements - you've done really well!

14. fiduciary/fɪˈdjuː.ʃi.ə.ri/(fid信任→拉丁语fiduci(a)信任、信赖,-ary与…有关的(人))
a. relating to the responsibility to look after someone else's money in a correct way:信托的;信用的;(尤指)受信托的,受信托的
n. Fiduciary is used to talk about things which relate to a trust, or to the people who are in charge of a trust.(尤指财产)受信托人(或公司)
They have a case against their directors for breach of fiduciary duty.

中古英语里,head的拼写是heved,古英语的拼写是heafod, 古高地德语是houpit, 现代德语是Haupt。

15. precipitous/prɪˈsɪpɪtəs; prɪˋsɪpətəs/(pre-前,cipit头,-ous有…特性的;头向前即头向下扔、抛下的、头朝下摔下去的地方的→)
a. 1. very steep, high and often dangerous: 险峻的; 陡峭的
2. sudden and great 突然的,骤然的,急剧的
3. done very quickly, without enough thought or care 草率的,仓促的,贸然的
The stock market's precipitous drop frightened foreign investors.
a precipitous marriage.

capitulate/ kəˈpɪtʃuleɪt; kəˋpɪtʃəˏlet/(capit头,-ul=-ule 小,capitul 小头→章,节,题头或标题;-ate使形成;使形成即起草投降协议的章节→)
v. ~ (to sb/sth) 1. 屈服,屈从;2. 投降

16. recapitulate/ˏriːkəˈpɪtʃuleɪt; ˏrikəˋpɪtʃəˏlet/(re- 再,capit 头,-ul=-ule 小,capitul 小头→章,节,-ate使形成;再以章或节叙述→再次重复要点→)
v. (formal) ~ (on sth) ~ sth to repeat or give a summary of what has already been said, decided, etc: 扼要重述;概括
Let's just recapitulate the essential points.
Let me just recapitulate (on) what we've agreed so far.



