Men and women might
wax lyrical about looking for someone who is kind, sensitive and funny. But a new study shows that when it comes to finding partners, the dreaded cliché seems to be true.
A study published in the Journal of Evolution and Human behaviour shows what really matters to men is looks - while women want a man with a booming bank balance.The study asked hundreds of young men and women what mattered when choosing a partner. The categories were attractiveness, wealth, ambition, kindness and intelligence.
And results shows men were
overwhelmingly swayed by an attractive face and body, while women were hooked on wealth and ambition.调查结果显示,压倒性数量的男人都会被漂亮的脸蛋和身材所吸引,而对于女人来说她们则更关注男人的金钱和事业心。
Professor Gad Saad, who co-authored the study with Tripat Gill, said the research seems to highlight how
evolution has led us to this 'irrational' decision-making.嘉德·萨阿德教授和特里帕特·吉尔合作完成此项研究,称这一研究正反映了自然演化是如何引领我们做出这种看似“荒谬”的决定的。
Mr Saad said: 'Choosing someone who might be a poor provider or an unloving father would have serious
consequences for a woman and for her offspring.'萨阿德教授说:“选择一个穷困潦倒的人来养家糊口或者一个缺乏爱心的父亲,势必会对这个女人和她的孩子的生活造成严重的影响。”
The survey, carried out at Concordia University in Montral, Quebec, Canada, gave overall descriptions of potential partners, along with positive and negative descriptions.
It showed that an attractive body and an attractive face were seen as more important to men, while earning potential and ambition were more important to women. Both said kindness and intelligence were equally important to both.