Do you have any favorite learning resources? Say when you want to learn a language, besides going to traditional language schools, how do you learn it? Or if you want to learn to play the guitar, how do you learn it? Share with our readers if you know any great online learning resources!
1. Svitlana Shchedrina
Hi guys,
Before I’ve been learning languages with Livemocha and it worked pretty well for me.
之前我一直在用Livemocha 学习语言,我觉得挺不错的。
Later I started to use YouTube videos and WikiHow articles – people do share lots of knowledge and practical tips here. (Thank you very much, guys).
One day I came across the famous quote about happiness: When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down ‘happy’. They told me I didn’t understand the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understand life.” That’s why.
Now I just learn how to be happy. I’ve noticed that no matter how much knowledge I’ve got I stayed rather vulnerable – some people and events could easily knock me down. They still can, but due to the last mentioned resource – I do know how to gather all pieces of me together, to rise up and again to SHINE!
2. Douglas Rice
If know one thing about me, it’s probably that I’m absolutely obsessed with learning. Curiosity is my driving force. Over the years, I’ve learned a great deal from good old-fashioned books, hundreds of blogs, a few trade magazines, and several academic journals. Also, Twitter has proved to be an amazing discovery engine. However, there are a few resources in particular–ones you may not have heard of–that have sparked that curiosity in ways that leave me eternally grateful. These resources are:
要说我最大的特点,恐怕要数孜孜以求的学习精神了。好奇就是我的驱动力。多年来,我从数不尽的经典名著、博客、业内杂志以及学术专刊上受益匪浅。此外,推特也是不错的发现载体。不过,有那么几个资源——或许你从来都没听说过,却能极大地激发好奇心并让我感激不尽。这些资源就是: This is a weekly podcast hosted by economist Russell Roberts of Stanford University. In each hour-long episode, he interviews authors and specialists from a variety of fields about the economics of those subject areas. If you aren’t into economics, don’t let that scare you. I wasn’t into economics until I started listening back in 2007 and, mostly because of this podcast, I got my undergrad in economics. The podcast has covered issues as diverse as education, biology, psychology, healthcare, sports, and more. Chances are, if you are interested in something, it has been discussed between Russ and his interviewees somewhere within the hundreds of archived episodes. Do yourself a favor and check it out.——这是一档每周播客,由斯坦福大学的经济学家拉塞尔-罗伯茨主持。在每集1小时的播客中,他对各领域的作者及专家就经济学问题进行采访。当然,如果你对经济学不感兴趣,也不要打退堂鼓。其实一开始我也不了解经济学,但后来我从2007年的播客开始重新学习,慢慢就懂得越来越多了。这个播客涉及内容非常广泛,包括教育、生物、心理学、保健以及运动等等。你所感兴趣的领域,或许在播客中就曾被拉塞尔和采访对象讨论过。所以,赶紧去看看吧。
TED – (Technology, Entertainment, Design) This is an organization that showcases some of the most brilliant minds across all disciplines giving their absolutely best presentations on their work. I have found out about some of the most interesting thinkers and subjects through watching the TED and TEDx (independently licensed TED events) talks online. Since 2006, the organization has been archiving videos on its website. I highly recommend checking it out. You’ll definitely find something that interests you. And, more importantly, you’ll probably gain a few new interests.
OverDrive – I am a huge fan of books. As much as I love blogs and Twitter for gaining quick insights, nothing quite covers a subject like a book. A book is a project that its author invested a lot of time in to create a cohesive work of research. I love books. But, it’s just so hard to find time to read, isn’t it? And reading books can become expensive if you read a lot of them. Enter OverDrive. This smartphone application is the marriage of audiobooks and your public library. It enables you to download audiobooks for free straight to your mobile device. In the past year, I’ve listened to over 100 books just by using the OverDrive app. If you want to maximize your commuting time and get some reading done along the way, definitely check it out.
3. Anthony Dewhurst
I’ve been recently trying to learn spanish using the free Duolingo app and website and also a free podcast called Coffee-Break Spanish. When I think about how much I’ve learned in the world and from all the resources and culture and stories I’ve been exposed to, it is nearly all English. So I thought what better way to tap into the resources and experiences of a whole new culture of 400 million people by learning a language.
最近我在学西班牙语,用的是免费的Duolingo 软件与网站以及一个叫Coffee-Break Spanish的播客。当我想着自己已经掌握了多少知识、从身边的各类资源文化及故事中学到多少时,发现所有的都是英文。所以我就想,要了解拥有一个4亿人国家的各类资源并体验全新文化的话,还有什么方法比学习语言更好的呢?
4. Emily Filloramo
I love
This training company has thousands of video tutorials by the leading experts in business, technology, video, photography, web development, etc.
It’s like having a community college at your disposal in the comforts of your home 24/7. Access to all the tutorials for the price of only $25/month.
5. Rob Boirun
Searching to an answer to life brought me to – A course In Miracles Talk about the ultimate Lifehack. This has really done a 180 to how I approach pretty much everything. A word of advice, at first it may seem like gobblygook but is meant to study over the course of a year. If your going to do it, then do it. If not don’t jump into it just yet.