How do you wish for good luck every December 31? Check out these rituals from around the world.
1. Denmark: Let the Dishes Hit the Floor 丹麦:摔盘子
Residents of Denmark have been known to throw dishes (don’t worry, not the good china) at their neighbor’s doors. The more broken dishes, the more good luck you are thought to have in the upcoming year!
2. Brazil: Wet T-Shirt Contest for All巴西:全民湿T恤大赛
Brazilians celebrate by dressing in all white on New Year’s Eve to symbolize peace and spend their evening partying on the beach. When the clock strikes midnight, they run to the ocean and bestow various offerings upon Lemanja, the goddess of the sea, so that she may open up paths in their lives.
3. Germany: Molten Metal Fortune-Telling
Bleigießen, one of Germany’s most prized customs, is celebrated on New Year’s by melting a morsel of lead, dropping it into cold water, and telling fortunes from the shape it forms.
4. Estonia: The Strength of 7-12 Meal爱沙尼亚: 7到12顿饭的能量
In Estonia, the people eat 7, 9 or 12 meals a day. These are lucky numbers in Estonia, and it is believed that you will gain the strength of as many meals as you eat on New Year’s.
5. North America: Black Eyed Peas (No, Not the Band)北美:黑眼豆豆(不是,不是那个乐团)
Inspired by southern culture, many Americans celebrate the New Year by eating black eyed peas and collard greens. The pea’s “eye” represents looking into the future, and it is believed to bring good luck to those who eat them. Eating leafy greens supposedly brings money and prosperity as well.
6. France: The Midnight Harvest法国:午夜大丰收
In the Hautes-Pyrénées village of Viella, the townspeople attend a midnight mass on New Year’s Eve, after which they set out to the vineyards to pick grapes for the first wine of the year.
7. Bolivia: Hot Pants玻利维亚:紧身短裤
Bolivia is one of many countries that rings in the New Year by wearing lucky bright (generally red) underpants.
8. Mexico: Great Grapes墨西哥:美妙葡萄
In Mexico (as well as many other Spanish-speaking countries), eating a grape and making a wish for every chime of the clock at midnight on New Year’s Day is a widely practiced custom.
9. Hungary: Burning Man匈牙利:燃烧的人
In Hungary, crowds gather on New Year’s Eve to burn a “Jack Straw” — a sort of scarecrow-like figure which represents all the evils of the past year.
10. Venezuela: Nothing but the Bolívars, Baby委内瑞拉:没别的就是玻利瓦尔(委内瑞拉货币名称)
In Venezuela, to bring wealth in the New Year, it’s common to hold a bill of high value while toasting at midnight.
11. Switzerland: Just a Dollop瑞士:一团而已
In some parts of Switzerland, it is believed that a dollop of cream propped on the floor will bring good luck and wealth.
12. China: From Head to Tail中国:从头到尾
In China, it is common for fish to be served whole for New Year’s. It is important to eat the entire fish from head to tail to ensure a good year from start to finish.