He is 20 years old.
He is 20 years of age.
He is 20.
My husband is getting on for forty.
My husband is going on forty.
He is on the wrong/shady side of 30.
He is thirty-odd years of age.
He has turned 30.
age 结合数字概念的一些常用表达法:
The boy has come of age and ought to be earning his own living.
The boy has reached an adult age and ought to be earning his own living.
The boy has grown up and ought to be earning his own living.
He was rejected by the army because he was under age.
He was not eligible for the examination because he was over age.
My parents are now advanced in years.
A. boy between the ages of twelve and twenty
B. boys between the age of twelve and twenty
C. boys between the ages of twelve and twenty
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