闪孕 (shan3 yun4)
quick pregnancy
It refers to some white-collar women who get pregnant in a hurry to avoid being fired. China’s labor law prevents a company from firing a pregnant employee unless the company isinsolvent.
躲猫猫 (duo3 mao1 mao1)
The Chinese term for “hide-and-seek” has become abuzzwordovernight among Chinese Netizens after a 24-year-old man died in policecustodyin south China’s Yunnan Province and an official report said he ran into a wall blindfolded while playing hide-and-seek withinmates. Unconvinced, a large number of Netizens are taking part in an investigation into the young man’s death. The investigation showed he was beaten to death by inmates while playing the game.
“躲猫猫”意为捉迷藏,属南方方言,北方则称作“藏猫猫”。不管“躲”还是“藏”,这种游戏显然来自于猫和老鼠捉与被捉的游戏。当这个游戏发生在2009 年2月8日下午的云南省晋宁县看守所里时,却引发了一场悲剧:据当地警方说,因盗伐森林被拘押的24岁男子李乔明,和同监室的狱友在天井里玩“躲猫猫”游戏时,遭到狱友踢打并不小心撞到墙壁,导致“重度颅脑损伤”,送医四天后不治身亡。
小月 (xiao3 yue4)
A pun on the Chinese word for “moonlight,” the term refers to those who spend all their income before next payday. Since the term uses part of the Chinese word and sounds like a female name, it is used to describe women in this category.
小光 (xiao3 guang1)
male spendthrift
Like above, this term uses another part of the Chinese word for “moonlight” and is used to describe male spendthrifts.
赖校族 (lai4 xiao4 zu2)
campus dwellers
It refers to those who have already graduated from college but choose to stay on campus, scared by the bleak job market and wanting to live on campus at a low cost.
卧槽族 (wo4 cao2 zu2)
A twist on the Chinese word for "job hopping," this term means "job-hugging" as many people now cling to their current jobs because companies no longer hire new staff due to global economic crisis.
肌肉车 (ji1 rou4 che1)
This term refers to high gasoline-consuming and big-sized automobiles, usually driven by high-power engines. The automobiles are generally designed with hard lines, hence the name in Chinese which means "muscular car."
肌肉车是指大马力,高耗油,低操控性外形尺寸大的美国车,也只有这样的车才能称得上是肌肉车。 肌肉车可谓一个贴切的称谓。所谓肌肉车是美国70年代以道奇(Dodge)为首的一种车型,在当时风行美国,甚至成为一代美国精神的代表。
经济适用男 (jing1 ji4 shi4 yong4 nan2)
budget husband
More and more women now tend to seek a "budget husband" instead of wealthy men just as home buyers now look for budget houses rather than villas during the economic crisis. Although not earning a lot, the budget husbands don't have bad habits such as drinking, smoking or gambling and are family-oriented.
语音钓鱼 (yv3 yin1 dia4o yu2)
This is a portmanteau by blending "voice" and "phishing" and means an attempt to fool a person into submitting personal, financial or password data either by sending an email that includes a scammer-controlled phone number, or by spoofing an automated phone call from a financial institution using VoIP.
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