高一英语教案:Unit2 Friendship

所属专题:高中英语教案  来源:沪江高考资源网    要点:高一英语教案  
编辑点评: 英语教学需要涉及的知识点很多,如果事先不做好准备的话,很容易遗漏一些重要知识点,这是得不偿失的。而通过准备教案,认真备课能最大程度上避免这种情况的发生。本文是一篇冀教版高一英语第二单元 Friendship 的教案,供大家参考。

15. handsome adj. (字母d不发音)
例句:He looks handsome and healthy. 他显得俊美,健康。
Would you describe that lady as handsome or beautiful?
    a handsome present 大方的礼物
例句:Handsome is that (as) handsome does. (谚)慷慨仁慈才是真美。
It is handsome of you to give us so much. 你真好,给了我们这么多。
    a handsome prize 一笔巨额奖金   a handsome reward 一笔可观的报酬

16.announcement n.通告,宣告
例句:He waited for the announcement of the result of the competition with bated breath.
I’d like to make an important announcement.我要发表一项重要声明。

announce vt. 宣布, 通告,发表
例句:The captain announced that the plane was going to land.机长宣布飞机就要着陆了。
The government announced its new economic policies.政府发布了新的经济政策。

17. competitive adj. 竞争的
a competitive spirit 竞争精神
(1)competition n.
①[U] 竞争
例句:He was in competition with 10 others for the job.
Because there is so much unemployment, the competition for jobs is very fierce.
There is more competition than before.
② [C] 竞赛
enter a competition 参加比赛
hold a golf competition 举办高尔夫比赛
例句:He takes part in a swimming competition.他参加游泳比赛。
It was a friendly competition. 这是一次友好的比赛。
注意:competition与game, race, match的区别在于:
game作“游戏,比赛”解,通常有一定规则,凡参加者均需遵守;说球赛, 美国人通
常用game,英国人则常用match。另外games(复数) 一般指大型的国际体育运动会, 如 the Olympic Games (奥运会), the Asian Games(亚运会)。
match 一般指竞技比赛, 如: 拳击、网球、高尔夫球等。
race 通常指赛跑、赛马、赛车、赛船等运动。
competition 意为:比赛, 竞争, 可指各种形式的竞赛。
(2)compete vi. 比赛, 竞争
例句:The children compete against (with) each other to reach the other end of the pool.
The two teams competed for the championship.那两支队伍要争夺冠军。
Although there were only 4 horses competing, it was an exciting race.
虽然只有4匹马比赛, 这比赛仍很精彩。
All these countries competed in the trade. 所有这些国家都在贸易中进行竞争。
(3)competitor n. 对手;敌手;竞争者;比赛者
例句:There were 12 competitors in the two-hundred-meter dash.
The number of the competitors is 40. 参加比赛的人数是40。

1. feel like vt.
例句:I feel like (having) a drink.         我想喝一杯。
    Do you feel like taking a walk?      你要不要去散散步?
例句:It feels like silk.  它摸起来像绸缎。
    She felt like a princess in that dress.她穿上那件衣服后,觉得自己像个公主。
I feel like (like = as if) I am flying like a bird.我感觉自己就像鸟儿在飞翔。

① look like 看上去似乎,好像
例句:She looks so much like her mother.她看起来很像她母亲。
Look at that dark cloud. It looks like rain.看看那乌云,好像要下雨了。
Everything on the ground looks like tiny toys when you look down from a plane.
② sound like 听起来像
    例句:It sounded like a train that was going under my house when the earthquake happened.
    It sounds like American country music.这听起来像是美国乡村音乐。
What he said sounds like a lie. 他所说的话听来像是谎言。

2. live a … life  过着……的生活
    live a busy but comfortable life 过着繁忙但舒适的生活
    live a happy(simple) life 过着快乐(朴实)的生活

3. under pressure adv./adj 被迫;在强制下
例句:He doesn't work well under pressure. 他在压力之下不能很好地工作。

(1)under the pressure of 在……逼迫下,在……压力下
例句:He’s under the pressure of business. 他经受着生意上的压力。
(2)put/bring pressure on/upon sb. to do sth.对某人施加压力
例句:They put/brought pressure on me to sell my precious land.

4. go on
例句:I didn't know what was going on.我不知道发生了什么事。
    例句:As the days went on, it grew colder.     随着日子一天天过去,天气越来越冷了。
例句:Life must go on. 生命在延续。
I couldn’t finish my work, so I have to go on with it tomorrow.
Don't go on talking. 不要继续讲了。
Time is short, so let’s go on to the next subject.  时间不多,我们进入下一个主题吧。
注意:go on to do sth.与go on doing sth./ go on with sth.的区别
①go on to do sth. 表示“干完某件事后,接着再干另一件事”。
例句:He finished reading the text and then went on to write a composition.
The old man had a drink of tea before he went on to tell the story.
②go on doing sth./ go on with sth.继续不断地干某事,表示“某事未做完,继续做下去”。
例句:She went on reading Lesson 9 for half an hour第九课她连续不断地读了半小时。
(比较:She read Lesson 8 and then she went on to read Lesson 9.  她读完了第八课,接着就读第九课。)
Although he was tired, he went on working.虽然疲乏了,他仍然继续干工作。
(比较:After a short rest he went on to work.短暂休息之后,他接着干工作了。)
After having a rest, we went on doing our homework. 休息一会儿之后,我们接着做作业。(做同一件事情)
(比较:After having English lesson, we went on to have P.E. 上完英语课之后,我们接着上体育课。)

5. be happy with 对……满足的,满意的
例句:She is not happy with her present position as a typist.
I’m not happy with your explanation.我对你的解释不满意。

(1)be happy to do 高兴做……,做……而感到高兴
例句:I'll be happy to meet him.我将高兴地与他见面。
I'll be happy to meet them when I have time.我有空的时候,很乐意同他们见面。
(2)be happy that 高兴
例句:I'm very happy that your health is showing signs of improvement.
I’m happy that you could stay with us.我很高兴你能暂住我们家。
(3)be happy at/about 高兴于……,知道……而高兴
例句:I was happy at the news of his return.我听到他归来的消息感到高兴。
She was happy about helping him with his studies.她很高兴能帮他搞研究。

6. agree with (反义词:disagree with)
(1)agree with sb. 同意某人的话
例句:I agree with you. = I agree with what you said.  我很赞同你。(我和你意见相同)
例句:The liquor did not agree with me.这酒不适合我喝。
例句:His story agrees with the facts.       他的陈述和事实相符。

(1)agree on 对……达成协议,对……取得一致意见
例句:We agreed on a plan.我们商量后决定某一计划。
    (2)agree to 同意(某提议等)
例句:I agreed to his proposal (plan).我同意他的提议(计划)。
    (3)agree to do同意……
例句:We all agree to start at once. 我们全都同意立刻出发。
    (4)agree that… 见解一致,承认
例句:I agree with you that he needs a rest.我同意你的说法,他需要休息。
He agreed that he should have been more careful.他承认他当初应该更谨慎些。

7. for pleasure=for fun adv. 为了取乐;当作玩笑;不是认真的
例句:Mr. Alexander doesn't just write for fun; in fact, writing is his bread and butter.

for laughs[美俚]为了取乐,作为消遣,借以开心
for love为了爱[兴趣],由于爱好而做某事
for luck为了表示吉利,祝福
for money 现款交易
for nothing免费,徒然
for rent供出租
for safety为安全起见,以保证安全
for sale待售
for the future今后

8. find out 找出,发现,查明(真相等),揭发
例句:I found out the phone number by looking it up.通过查找我查到了电话号码。
Please find out when the ship sails for New York.请打听一下那艘船什么时候开往纽约。
Liars risk being found out.骗子冒着被揭穿的危险。
Most embezzlers are found out in the end.大多数贪污犯最后都被查出。




