
所属专题:上海学生英文报高中版  来源:    要点:“90后”实习理念讨论  
编辑点评: “90后”开始踏入社会,成为实习生。当他们面临社会的“潜规则”时,不同的人有不同的看法。有些人坚决维护自己的权利,只做本职工作,有些人则作出一些妥协。不管怎样,维权是时代的潮流,但如何正确定义权利范围,如何协调工作,至关重要。严肃声明:本系列文章由《上海学生英文报》独家授权,如无授权,请勿转载。

Nobody Rides for Free

What are your dreams for the future and what would you do to achieve them? Even if you haven’t decided what you want to do in the future, once you do, you will probably go through hell and high water to achieve those goals. The plot of almost every film and TV show is about overcoming adversity and starting at the bottom, but ultimately reaching the top.

We have a saying in England “There’s no such thing as a free ride,” which means that you have to work for every opportunity; they’re not just handed to us on a plate.  However, there are something’s we wouldn’t do, and those things are different for each individual.

Recently an intern at a TV station was asked to order lunch for the production crew, and his response was “my internship here is about directing programs, not booking box lunch.” Some people may agree with him, saying that he stood up for his rights. But did he really, or did he behave like a spoilt child who was unwilling to act as part of the team?

Part of the legal definition of “intern” states that an intern must be trained and exposed to experience within the real world industry. Surely, working as part of a production crew will, at some point, require you to order lunch for people. That’s a valuable part of team work—doing things outside of the generic job description for the benefit of your colleagues.  

Some people argue that, unlike the elder generation, the post-90’s generation are standing up for their rights and learning to say “No” to their bosses. However, saying no to a superior, in any country, is not something you should do unless you feel what you’re being asked to do is morally or ethically wrong.

Saying “no” just because you think something is beneath you is showing a basic lack of respect and is a red flag for most prospective employers. There is a time to stand up for your rights but choose your battles carefully.






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