
所属专题:高中名著精读  来源:    要点:苔丝  
编辑点评: 《苔丝》是英国作家托马斯·哈代“威塞克斯系列”中的一部,又译为《德伯家的苔丝》。苔丝有着曲折而悲剧的一生,可也正如哈代在小说副标题上所写,这是“一个纯洁的女人”,一个超越了传统美德,有着强烈人性光辉的可爱灵魂。今天小编带来的就是本书第三章的部分选段,快和小编一起感受一下它的魅力吧。

Life now became rather difficult for the Durbeyfields.Without Prince to carry loads,John Durbeyfield could not buy and sell as he used to.He had never worked hard or regularly,and now he only occasionally felt like working.Tess wondered how she could help her parents.One day her mother made a suggestion

解析:occasionally 偶尔地
eg: He makes mistakes occasionally, but not often.

suggestion 建议;提出
动词原形为suggest 提议、建议
eg: Shall I give you a written suggestion?

‘It's lucky we've found out about your noble blood,Tess.Do you know there's a very rich lady called Mrs d’Urberville living on the other side of the wood? She must be our relation.You must go to her and claim relationship with her,and ask for same help in our trouble.’

解析:noble 高尚的、贵族的
eg: In just a few years, the great noble families were stripped of their privileges.

‘I wouldn't like to do that,’said Tess.‘If there is such a lady,it would be enough to be friendly.We can't expect help from her.’

‘You could persuade anybody,my dear.Besides,something else might happen.You never know.’And her mother nodded wisely.

解析:persuade 说服、劝说
eg: : I am trying to persuade him to give up the attempt.

‘I'd rather try to get work,’said Tess sadly.




