高中英语听力练习 Group M 6(含mp3)

所属专题:高中英语听力练习  来源:    要点:高中英语听力mp3  
编辑点评: 听力在各类英语考试中都占很大的分值,相对于阅读理解和作文,也更易得分。然而听力提高非一日之功,每天坚持Group M 10套(含音频、试题及原文)的听力练习,一定会有收获!

 Group M高中英语听力练习()




1.When will the man most probably meet Dr.Jones?

A.At 8:00.B.At 8:30.C.At 9:00.

2. What was the original price of the skirt?

A. 24.B.12.C.6.

3.What does the woman mean?

A.She’s learned a lot from the literature class.

B.She’s written some books on the world classics.

C.She’s met some of the world’s best writers.

4.How does the woman feel about driving to work?

A.She is tired of driving in the heavy traffic.

B.She doesn’t mind as the road conditions are good.

C.She is unhappy to drive such a long way every day.

5.What will probably happen to the woman?

A.Miss her train.

B.Catch her train.

C.Cancel her train.




6.What are the man and the woman talking about?

A.Mr.Brown’s son.

B.Mrs.Down’s son.

C.Mike’s school.

7.How long does Mike stay with his classmates a day?

A.About 8 hours.B.About 6 hours.

C.At least 10 hours.

8.How does Mike usually go to school?

A.By bus.B.In his father’s car.C.On foot.


9.What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Reporter and manager.

B.Customer and salesman.

C.Housewife and shopkeeper.

10.What is the robot programmed to do?

A.Shopping and calculating.

B.Repairing and guarding.

C.Cleaning and washing.

11.What does the woman think of the new home?

A.It’s safe enough.

B.It’s too expensive.

C.It’s worth buying.


12.What is the woman?

A.An actress.B.A secretary.

C.A typist.

13.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Interviewer and interviewee.

C.Actor and actress.

14.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The woman will be a secretary.

B.The woman made a mistake.

C.The man is satisfied with the woman.


15.What is the woman doing?

A.She is doing an experiment.

B.She is having a study.

C.She is asking others for help.

16.How long is the man’s house to the place of his work?

A.One to five kilometers.

B.Six to ten kilometers.

C.Fourteen or fifteen kilometers.

17.How does the man’s family members go to work or school?

A.By train.B.By bus.

C.Use private transport.


18.What is Alice Walker?

A.A writer.B.A teacher.

C.A policewoman.

19. Where did Alice Walker finish her college education?

A.In Georgia.B.In Atlanta.

C.In New York.

20.What did Langston give to Alice Walker?

A.Many books.B. Some money.

C.Some advice.





