
所属专题:高考英语词汇  来源:    要点:高中词汇  
编辑点评: 今天要为大家介绍的英语单词是attempt。它既可以用作动词,也可以用作名词。用作动词时后面可以接名词,不定式和动名词;用作名词时后面可以接不定式和介词,一起来看看具体的例子吧。

1. 用作动词,是及物动词,其后常接:

(1) 名词:I didn’t attempt the last question in the exam. 我没有试图去做试卷中最后一题。He has attempted a difficult task. 他开始了一项艰难的工作。

(2) 不定式:He attempted to lie. 他企图说谎。He attempted to leave but was stopped. 他试图要走,但被拦住了。I’d rather not attempt to guess what the result will be. 我不愿去猜测会有什么结果。

(3) 动名词 (不如用不定式常见):He attempted swimming across the river. 他试图要游过河去。有时以上用法可互相转换,且含义上没有多少变化:不要企图一个人去做这件事。
正:Don’t attempt to do it by yourself. 
正:Don’t attempt doing it by yourself. 犯人企图逃走,但失败了。
正:The prisoner attempted an escape but failed.
正:The prisoner attempted to escape but failed.

2. 用作名词,是可数名词,其后常接:

(1) 不定式:He made no attempt to carry it out. 他没有设法把它付诸实施。I failed in my attempt to finish it in time. 我未能及时把它完成。

(2) 介词 at:My first attempt at English composition was poor. 我第一次试写的英语作文很差。He made an attempt at winning the first prize. 他试图要获头奖。有时其后接介词 on [upon]:He made an attempt on the life ofthe President. 他企图刺杀总统。以上用法有时可互相转换,且含义上没有多少变化:他未曾企图逃走。正:He made no attempt to escape. 正:He made no attempt at escaping.




