
所属专题:2016高考英语作文预测  来源:    要点:高考英语作文范文  
编辑点评: 英语作文到底该如何写才算写的好?怎样才算符合要求?即将参加高考的小伙伴一定已经为此努力很久了,那么我们赶快来看2016年高考英语作文的优秀范文吧?拿起纸笔,一起学习!
  Dear Tom,
  Thank you very much for your kind help when I stayed in America . With your help , my English has improved a lot and my teachers and friends are surprised at my fluent English.
  How is Mr. Smith ? I want to know something about his life. I tried to get in touch with him ,but unfortunately I don’t have his address and can’t connect with him .Do you have his email address or his telephone number?
  The spring festival is coming . It is an important traditional festival for Chinese , when all the family members get together . It is like Christmas in the western countries .Would you like to come to feel the Chinese culture ? I am sure you will live happily here and learn a lot of funny things . Besides, I can also show you around some places of interest.
  Best wishes ! I am looking forward to your reply .
  Yours ,
  Li hua





