
所属专题:2016高考英语作文预测  来源:    要点:高考作文预测  
编辑点评: 2016年高考在即,高考预测作文和范文也随之而来!边看边学边练,在高考前做好全面准备,上考场才不会无从下笔哦!快来一起看看吧!




  During the 15 days from New Year’s Eve to Lantern Festival, Beijing was affected by smog for more than half the time, because of which people suffered a lot. On the road people drove slowly because they could not see clearly. People also suffered from many illnesses caused by smog.

  The smog in Beijing has been caused by many factors, in which the increase of cars in the city area plays an important role. The carssend off a lot of poisonous gases, which in turn adds to the already seriousair pollution.

  In my opinion, the number of cars should be limited.We should call on the people to use more public transport. Only in this way canwe expect to have more sunny days.



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