
所属专题:疯狂星期三,课程半价抢!  来源:    要点:高考英语作文  
编辑点评: 在英语作文中,表格作文也是图表作文中的一类。这种体裁就要求学生准确的获得信息,否则无法使文章正确行文,遗漏各种信息。



1. 审体裁。准确把握体裁是写好一篇文章关键的一步。体裁的形式直接决定着考生用英语表达信息的途径和形式,并影响着书面表述语句的正确性和准确性。

2. 审人称。根据体裁要求,要准确把握人称的使用。是用第一、二人称,还是用第三人称。

3. 审时态。不同的体裁,其动词时态的使用也各有不同。一般情况下, 故事、日记等体裁常以一般过去时为主要动词时态;书信、便条、通知等体裁常以一般现在时为主要动词时态。


二、 理清表内要点,进行合理发挥。


(1) practice a policy of "Late Marriage" and "One Couple, One Child"

(2) reduce the birth rate

(3) have a tight control over country people entering cities to do various physical jobs

(4) lighten the pressure on the city caused by the increasing population

(5) build apartment blocks with shopping centers, schools, hospitals, as well as cinemas and theaters around us or even build satellite towns in the city suburbs or the counties round the cities

(6) encourage city citizens to move there to live and work

三、 正确使用过渡性词语,提高文章的连贯性。

过渡性词语的使用是语言的连贯性得以实现的最常用手段。在句子与句子之间,段落与段落之间恰当地使用一些承上启下的过渡性词语是非常必要的。例如上述实例,我们可在要点(1)前插入表示时间顺序的过渡词语 first / firstly, 在要点(3)前插入secondly,在要点(5)前插入finally。在要点(6)前可以插入表示终结关系的过渡短语in this way / by this means。


1. 表示起始关系的有: first of all, according to, so far, as far as, to begin with, in my opinion等。

2. 表示时间顺序的有: first, then, later, in the end, finally, at last, after that, since then, immediately, suddenly, soon等。

3. 表示空间顺序的有: on the right / left, on one side of, at the top / foot / end of, in the middle of, in front of, at the back of等。

4. 表示并列关系的有:and, or, also, too, as well as, neither...nor, not only...but also, either...or, not...but等。

5. 表示转折关系的有: but, yet, however, while, on the cont rary 等。

6. 表示因果关系的有: because, since, as, for, thanks to, thus, therefore, as a result (of), one reason is that...another reason is that...等。

7. 表示条件关系的有: if, unless, as (so) long as, on condition that等。

8. 表示让步关系的有: although, though, even if, in spite of, after all, in fact, what (who, when, where, how...) ever 等。

9. 表示递进关系的有:what's more, further more, besides, what's worse, to make the matter worse, also, still, on the one hand...on the other hand等。

10. 表示列举事实的过渡性词语有:for example / instance, such as, take...for example, as follows, and so on等。

11. 表示总结性的有:in short, in brief, in a word, on the whole等。

12. 表示过渡性的插入语有: I think (believe, suppose, imagine, guess...), I'm afraid, you know, as is known to us all, as we all know 等。




