
所属专题:2016高考英语作文预测  来源:    要点:高考英语作文指导  
编辑点评: 农历腊月二十三,小年。按照我们中国历史留下来的习俗,晚上要发灶王爷,烧香烧纸,送灶王爷回西天,向玉皇大帝汇报。汇报的内容是,一年来人间众生谁做了好事,谁做了坏事,要如实汇报。玉皇大帝听完汇报以后,要实行奖惩制度。惩罚那些做了坏事的人。对做好事的人,要给予好运。鼓励人们做好事,不能做缺德的损事。

On the 23rd day of the last lunar month the Kitchen god returns to heaven to give a report to the Jade Emperor (in Chinese mythology the Jade Emperor is the ruler of heaven) about the family's activities over the past year. This day is marked by acts of appeasement to the Kitchen god so that he will give the Jade Emperor a favourable report.

Traditionally images of the Kitchen god are burned as a symbolic act of departure. Often some gold or silver money will also be burned for travelling expenses. In some households the lips of the Kitchen god are brushed with honey or a sugar solution just before the image is burned - this will increase the likelihood that only sweet things will be said by the Kitchen god. From the 23rd the Kitchen god will be absent from his shrine in the kitchen, and during this time it will be cleaned in preparation for his return on New Year's Eve.






