
所属专题:2016高考英语作文预测  来源:    要点:高考英语作文指导  
编辑点评: 日本的中小学时在每年的7月下旬至8月末放暑假,而大学生的暑假则相对长一些。根据各校规定不同,日本大学多集中在7月下旬到9月下旬、8月上旬到9月下旬两个时间段放假。此外,为了迎合盂兰盆节,日本企业大多会在8月份放为期一周的暑假。

参考词汇: 图表chart;
社会调查 social investigation;
减少 decrease

From the two charts we can see that in the past ten years, students who go traveling and do social investigations during the summer vacation have greatly increased while those who stay at home have decreased a lot.

There are several reasons for the changes. Firstly, with the development of economy, students can get support from their parents for traveling. Secondly, tourism has greatly developed over the past ten years. In addition, school has been encouraging students to do social investigations in both cities and villages.

From the changes we can predict that more and more students will make their summer vacation colorful and meaningful by going outside instead of staying at home.






