
所属专题:2016高考英语作文预测  来源:    要点:高考英语作文指导  
编辑点评: 北京奥运会跳水比赛拉开战幕,在女子三米跳板双人比赛中,郭晶晶/吴敏霞以343.50总分的成绩毫无悬念夺冠,继雅典奥运会以后,郭/吴组合再度夺取了这个项目的金牌,这也是中国体育代表团在北京奥运会上获得的第四枚金牌。

She started training in competitive diving in 1988. She took up diving when she was six-years-old at the Baoding Training Base. In 1992, she was selected to dive for the Chinese national team.

Guo represented China at the 2004 Summer Olympics, earning a gold medal in the 3 meter women's synchronized springboard along with Wu Minxia before finally winning her first individual Olympic gold in the 3 meter women's springboard. She is the leading member of the Chinese national women's diving team after Fu Mingxia. Currently her goal is to win medals at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

After the Athens Olympics, Guo gained much fame and was signed up by McDonald's. She was later banned by the national team for excessive commercial activities, but was later taken back.

I believe she will win her 3rd even 4th gold medals in the “Water Cube”.






