High School Students and Hair Style

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I think it is all right for a high school student to wear a clean and plain hair, but it is not necessary to force him to have his hair cut very very short. Such kind of short hair is simply not a “style“ at all. Some students often quarrel with their teachers and military instructors over the hair issue and there are even “battles“ waged by the students to protect their hair. The love of beauty, we must admit, is human nature, and so is the care of one‘s hair. In fact, not at all is the very very short hair beautiful to look at. What then is the kind of hair style fit for a high school student? In my opinion, a clean, simple, nice-looking, and moderately long hair will cut the mustard. Actually I am very much in favor of high school students wearing their hair moderately long, for such a hair style will not only protect the head from exposure to severe cold of severe heat but will also make the wearer more nice-looking. Allowing the students to wear their hair this way will also help to put an end to many of the squabbles between them and their teachers or military instructors. The most important thing today for a high school student is, however, study; all other things are relatively unimportant. So we should not bother ourselves too much with this question. After all, beauty is but skin deep.




