英语作文:我的小侄(My Little Niece)

所属专题:2016高考英语作文预测  来源:    要点:高考英语作文指导  
编辑点评: 人物描写的运用很普遍,人物描写的目的是刻画人物的性格,表现人物的精神面貌,这同时也能更深刻地表达文章的中心。人物描写应力求具体生动,能做到绘声绘色地再现“人物”,让读者如见其人,如闻其声。

My little niece,a ten-month-old baby,is the loveliest child I have ever seen. Her face is like a red apple and her eyes are like bright stars.

When you carry her in your arms,she likes to put her arms around your neck.All the family members love her very much and often try to make her smile, but quite often she makes us laugh. Once I winked at her and she smiled. When l did it again, she watched me attentively. Then she tried to imitate. While I closed one eye to wink, she had to close both eyes at time same time and quickly opened them again. And that was her way to wink.

We all began to laugh. When we looked at her again,she was looking at us, puzzled, as if she was asking, "What are you laugghing at?






