高考英语:课上与课下的学习(Study in Class and out of Class)

所属专题:2016高考英语作文预测  来源:    要点:高考英语作文指导  
编辑点评: “两耳不闻窗外事,一心只读圣贤书。”这一古人的学习方法并不适用日新月异的现代社会。我们要学习古人专心学习的精神,但要改变封闭的学习方法,不仅在课堂内要专心学习,在课堂外同样要继续学习,学习已经是我们生活有机的组成部分。

Our study can be divided into two parts: one is in class and the other is out of class. Both of them are important to students. They depend on each other.

We must attach importance to after-class What we have learnt in class is very. limited, because only knowledge in textbooks can be acquired. However, we can learn more out of class. A most important thing is that knowledge comes from practice. In the after- class study we can apply out knowledge to practice.Just Iike after-class study, study in class is also very important. It occupies most of our time. We must pay much attention to it. In-class study and after-class study are closely connected with each other and improve each other.

If that‘ s the case, why don‘t we combine them and study effectively?






