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1. Writing out all the invitations by hand was more time-consuming than we______.

A. will expect  B. are expecting  C. expect D. had expected





【举一反三】-----We didn’t find Smith attending the lecture.

------No one __________ him about __________ a lecture the following day.

A. told; there to be                 B. had told; there to be 

C. told; there was                  D. had told; there being


【解析】考查时态和非谓语。根据前面一句可知told动作发生在didn’t find之前,故用过去完成时;而about是个介词,故后面应用there being .

2. I don’t really like the author,_______ I have to admit his books are very exciting. 

A. although       B. unless         C. until        D. once 





【举一反三】I don't believe we've met before,         I must say you do look familiar.

A. therefore                         B. although

C. since                             D. unless



3. —This apple pie is too sweet, don’t you think so?

  —_____. I think it’s just right, actually.

A. Not really     B. I hope so     C. Sounds good    D .No wonder




【举一反三】— Do you enjoy your present job?

  — _______. I just do it for a living.

A Of course             B Not really         C Not likely          D Not a little



〖解析〗of course 当然not really 委婉说不not likely 不可能not a little 非常前句问你喜欢现在的工作吗?从后一句答语我们知道, 他仅仅是为了谋生。所以前一句答语应该是否定的, 而且答语口气并不强烈, 所以要用委婉的语气, 答案:B

4. Susan made______ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.

A. that     B. this     C. it      D. her 



【解析】本题考察的是it用法中,it作为形式宾语的用法。本句中的it是一个形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面的宾语从句that she wished to make a new life for herself.句义:Susan向我说清楚了她希望有自己的新生活。英语中能够作为形式宾语的只有it。故C正确。

【试题延伸】it做形式宾语,通常和下列动词连用:consider, think, make, find, believe,  feel, guess...。一般说来,当不定式、动名词、从句等用作宾语且其后跟有宾语补足语时,就应在宾语补足语前使用形式宾语,而将真正的宾语移至句末。

【举一反三】We shouldn't take _____ for granted that we still have a lot of time before the Entrance Examination 

A. this               B. that               C. it                  D. such





5. They made up their mind that they______ a new house once Larry changed jobs.

A. bought    B. would buy    C. have bought    D. had bought



【解析】本题考察的是时态。句义:他们决定,一旦larry 换了工作,他们就买一个新房子。本句中的would表示的是过去将来时。他们是在过去决定一个将要发生的事情,所以使用过去将来时。故B正确。

6. There is a note pinned to the door______ when the shop will open again.

  A. saying     B. says     C. said     D. having said



【解析】本句考察的是非谓语动词中的分词做定语的用法。本句中的名词note与动词say之间构成主动关系,所以使用现在分词短语作定语。D项是现在分词的完成式,表示已经完成的动作,这在上下文中没有体现。句义:有一个纸条被钉在门上,写着:商店什么时候再开门。本句中的saying相当于定语从句which says…。故A正确。


【举一反三】Mark lives in a big pleasant room ______ approximately 5 meters by 6 meters.

A. measures  B. measuring C. to be measured  D. having measured



试题分析:本句中的动词measure可以作为及物动词vt.测量;估量;也可以表示:距离(或长度、宽度、数量等)为…;本句中的measure表示的就是第2层含有距离(或长度、宽度、数量等)为….;动词measure与前面的名词room构成逻辑上的主动关系,故使用现在分词measuring approximately 5 meters by 6 meter来修饰前面的名词room。句义:Mark生活在一个面积大约为5米乘6米的很大的舒服的房子里。故B正确。


7. It is difficult for us to imagine_____ life was like for slaves in the ancient world.

A. where    B. what        C. which     D. why



【解析】本题考察的是名词性从句。动词imagine后面含有一个宾语从句what life was like for slaves in the ancient world。What引导起这个宾语从句,并在宾语从句中作为介词like的宾语。句义:对我们来说很难想象古代的奴隶的生活。Where和why不能在句中做宾语,which一直都表示疑问的意思“哪一个”。故B正确。

【试题延伸】名词性从句解题时要通过判断引导词在从句中所作的成分,来选择正确的引导词。连接同位语从句的从属连词主要有that, if, whether,和疑问词(what how where when ...)。that引导表示陈述句的同位语从句,if和whether,whether...or not引导表示“是否”的一般疑问句的同位语从句。连接代词主要有who,whom,whose,what,whoever,whomever,whosever,whatever,whichever等。连接代词一般指疑问,但what, whatever除了指疑问外,也可以指陈述。连接副词主要有when, where, why, how, whenever, wherever, however等.

【举一反三】The shocking news mad me realize ________ terrible problems we would face.

A. what                   B. how                  C. that                          D. why




8. —Is Anne coming tomorrow?

  —_____.If she were to come, she would have called me.

A. Go ahead    B. Certainly    C. That’s right     D. I don’t think so



【解析】本句考察的交际英语。A去做吧!B当然了;C那是对的;D我不这么认为。句义:—Ann是明天来吗?—我不怎么认为,如果她要来这里,她之前就要打电话给我的。根据句义可知后者对于前者的看法是否定的。故D正确。另外请注意If she were to come, she would have called me.是一个错综条件句,if从句表示与将来相反,后面的主句表示与过去相反。

【举一反三】—May I open the window to let in some fresh air?


A. Come on          B. Take care          C. Go ahead!          D. Hold on![中~#国教育出&版^网%]



〖解析〗根据语境可以知道:去开吧, 去做吧。所以答案为:C。容易误选A。come on 的意思是“算了吧!加油!”

9. It’s standard practice for a company like this one______ a security officer.

   A. employed    B. being employed     C. to employ    D. employs



【解析】本题考察的是不定式的复合结构的用法。不定式的复合结构为:for sb to do sth;说明不定式动作的发出者。如:It is difficult for you to solve the problem.句义:对于像这样的公司雇佣保安是非常标准的做法。故C正确。

10. A company ______profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.

   A. which     B. whose     C. who     D. why



【解析】本题定语从句的先行词是A company,后面的定语从句中名词profits前面缺少定语修饰,所以使用关系代词whose引导起这个定语从句,并在句中做定语。ACD三项通常都不能在定语从句中做定语的。Whose profits相当于the profits of which。句义:一个利润主要来自国内的公司也许可以开拓国际市场。故B正确。

【试题延伸】定语从句的关系代词中要特别关注:Whose是关系词中唯一的一个可以放在名词前面做定语的关系代词,如果缺少定语,用whose引导定语从句,或是of which the+名词/the+名词+of which。

【举一反三】The prize will go to the writer ________ story shows the most imagination.

  A. that           B. which           C. whose          D. what






There was a pet store and the owner had a parrot. One day a    11    walked in and the parrot said to the man ,“Hey you!” The man said, “What!?” The parrot said, “Your    12    is really ugly.” The man got very    13    and went to the store owner and said, “Your bird just    14    my wife. It said she was ugly.”

The owner stormed over,    15    the bird, took it into the “black room,”shook it a bit,    16    out a few feathers, and said,“Don’t ever, ever say anything to    17    my customers again. You got that!!!”

With that    18    he took the bird and put it back into its cage. The old bird shook out its    19    and relaxed in its cage. A couple of weeks    20    and in walked this guy and his wife again. The parrot said, “Hey you!” The guy said, “What!?” The parrot answered, “You know that.”

11. A. group            B. team            C. couple            D. crowd

12. A. wife                  B. sister              C. mother             D. daughter 

13. A. curious             B. nervous           C. guilty               D. angry

14. A. greeted              B. puzzled            C. offended           D. scared

15. A. hugged              B. seized               C. trained             D. rescued

16. A. sent                   B. handed             C. pulled              D. dug

17. A. touch                 B. amuse              C. cheat                D. embarrass

18. A. warning             B. comment          C. suggestion               D. request

19. A. eyes                  B. feathers            C. fur                   D. skin

20. A. lasted                B. arrived             C. appeared           D. passed




【试题解析】考察名词辨析及上下文串联。A一群人;B队伍;C一对夫妻;D一大群人;根据20空后this guy and his wife again可知进来的是一对夫妻。故C正确。


【试题解析】考察名词词义辨析及上下文串联。根据14空后my wife.可知鹦鹉说他的老婆很难看。故A正确。






【试题解析】考察动词词义辨析及上下文串联。A拥抱;B抓住;C训练;D挽救;根据下一句took it into the “black room把鹦鹉放进黑房子里,说明他很生气,抓住鹦鹉并放进了黑房子里进行惩罚。


【试题解析】考察动词短语辨析。Sent out发出;发送;hand out分发;pull out拔出;dig out挖出;句义:主人为了惩罚这只鹦鹉,拔了鹦鹉几根羽毛。




【试题解析】考察名词词义辨析及上下文串联。A警告;B评论;C建议;D请求;说了这些警告的话,主人又重新把鹦鹉放进了笼子。根据前句“Don’t ever, ever say anything to    17    my customers again. You got that!!!”这是主人对它的警告。






A couple of weeks passed and in walked this guy and his wife again.


【分析】本句中有一个全部倒装句in walked this guy and his wife again.句首的in是副词,后面的主语是名词this guy and his wife,所以需要使用全部倒装句。如果副词放在句首,主语是代词的时候,则不需要全部倒装。如Here comes the bus.


Charlotte Whitehead was born in England in 1843, and moved to Montreal, Canada at the age five with her family. While    21    her ill elder sister throughout the years, Charlotte discovered she had a(an)    22    inmedicine. At 18 she married and     23    afamily. Several years later, Charlotte said she wanted to be a    24    . Her husband supported her decision. 

    25   , Canadian medical schools did not    26    women students at the time. Therefore, Charlotte went to the United States to study    27    at the Women’s Medical College in Philadelphia. It took her five years to    28    her medical degree.

Upon graduation, Charlotte    29    to Montreal and set up a private    30  . Three years later, she moved to Winnipeg, Manitoba, and there she was once again a    31    doctor. Many of her patients were from the nearby timber and railway camps. Charlotte    32 herself operating on damaged limbs and setting    33    bones, in addition to delivering all the babies in the area.

But Charlotte had been practicing without a license. She had    34    adoctor’s license in both Montreal and Winnipeg, but was    35  . The Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons, an all-male board, wanted her to    36    her studies at a Canadian medical college! Charlotte refused to    37    her patients to spend time studying what she already knew. So in 1887, she appeared to the Manitoba Legislature to    38    alicense to her but they, too, refused. Charlotte    39   to practice without a license until 1912. She died four years later at the age of 73.

In 1993, 77 years after her    40   , a medical license was issued to Charlotte. This decision was made by the Manitoba Legislature to honor “this courageous and pioneering woman.”

21. A. raising      B. teaching            C. nursing             D. missing 

22. A. habit      B. interest           C. opinion             D. voice

23. A. invented   B. selected               C. offered             D. started

24. A. doctor      B. musician            C. lawyer           D. physicist

25. A. Besides      B. Unfortunately          C. Otherwise         D. Eventually

26. A. hire            B. entertain                 C. trust                        D. accept

27. A. history               B. physics                    C. medicine                 D. law 

28. A. improve             B. save                        C. design                     D. earn

29. A. returned      B. escaped                   C. spread                     D. wandered

30. A. school               B. museum                   C. clinic                             D. lab

31. A. busy           B. wealthy                    C. greedy                            D. lucky

32. A. helped               B. found               C. troubled                  D. imagined

33. A. harmful             B. tired                 C. broken                    D. weak

34. A. put away     B. taken over               C. turned in          D. applied for

35. A. punished     B. refused              C. blamed                    D. fired

36. A. display              B. change             C. preview                   D. complete

37. A. leave          B. charge              C. test                         D. cure

38. A. sell             B. donate             C. issue                       D. show

39. A. continued    B. promised          C. pretended                D. dreamed

40. A. birth           B. death                C. wedding                  D. graduation


【文章大意】本文向我们介绍了加拿大著名女医生Charlotte Whitehead,叙述了她学医的原因及过程。告诉我们她一生为病人操心劳力,但是在她去世之前一直都没有获得行医执照。


【试题解析】考察动词辨析及上下文串联。A抚养;B教育;C照顾;D思念,错过;根据后面的her ill elder sister生病的弟弟,说明她在照顾生病的弟弟的时候喜欢上医学。















29.【答案】A [中国教育出@&^版~网*]





【试题解析】考察形容词词义辨析。A忙碌的;B富有的;C贪婪的;D幸运的;根据下一句Many of her patients可知她的病人有很多,所以她总是很忙碌,忙着为病人治病。故A正确。


【试题解析】考察动词词义辨析。A帮助;B发现;C麻烦,困扰;D想象;她总是发现自己忙着给病人做各种各样的手术等。动词短语find oneself doing sth发现自己一直在做某事;






【试题解析】考察动词词义辨析及上下文串联。A惩罚;B拒绝;C责备;D解雇;她在Montreal和Winnipeg多次申请从医执照,但是都被拒绝。根据文章最后一段In 1993, 77 years after her    40   ,可知在她去世后77年,她才得到从医执照。说明之前一直被拒绝。故B正确。

36. 【答案】D

【试题解析】考察动词词义辨析及语境理解;A展示,显示;B改变;C预测;D完成;The Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons一直都希望她到这个学院完成医学的学习。因为她是在美国学习的医术。故D正确。




【试题解析】考察动词辨析及上下文串联。A出售;B捐献;C发布,颁发,发行;D展示;在1912年他来到这所学校,因为这所学校要发从医执照。但是仍然拒绝发给从医执照。根据4空后a medical license was issued to Charlotte可知issue表示颁发。故C正确。






1. While  nursing her ill elder sister throughout the years, Charlotte discovered she had a(an) interest in medicine.


【分析】本句中状语从句While  nursing her ill elder sister throughout the years中省略了she was。当状语从句的主语和主句主语一致,且含有be动词的时候,可以把状语从句的主语和be动词都省略。另外本句还可以表示while省略,形成现在分词短语nursing her ill elder sister throughout the years在句中做状语。

2. Upon graduation, Charlotte returned  to Montreal and set up a private clinic.[来源:zz*ste^p&.co@m~]





