高二英语教案:Unit1 Festival around the world

所属专题:高中英语教案  来源:沪江高考资源网    要点:高二英语教案  
编辑点评: 英语教学每堂课都要涉及多个知识点,让一堂课精彩饱满需要老师的惊醒准备,准备教案就是首先要做的准备之一。同时通过写教案也能够逐渐提升自身的教学水平。本文是一篇高二英语第一单元 Festival around the world 的教案,供老师们参考。

Li Fang: But what?
Manager: See the river? The Milky Way? It is impossible for this boy to cross the river.
Li Fang: I see. The mother has decided to let the couple meet once a year. But how do they cross the river, the Milky Way?
Manager: The heavenly magpies make a bridge of their wings so the couple can cross the river to meet.
Li Fang: When do they meet?
Manager: They meet once every year on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month.
Li Fang: The TV play is over and I have to be off now, to meet my girl. But where is my girl?
Hu Jin: Why? It’s you, Li Fang? Why didn’t you come to meet me? I have been waiting for you ever since 7 this evening.
Li Fang: I am heart-broken. You leave me alone in the coffee shop, waiting for you the whole evening. Are you in love with someone else?
Hu Jin: I was waiting for you at the tea shop. Did you forget that we agreed to meet there?
Li Fang: Is it the tea shop, not the coffee shop?
Hu Jin: Absolutely!
Li Fang: Sorry! I apologise to you. My memory failed me.
Hu Jin: So you set off for home? Anyway you are here. Now here you are, the gift from me. You know it’s the Valentine’s Day?
Li Fang: But, but I have thrown mine away?
Hu Jin: Why?
Li Fang: Because I don’t want them to remind me of you. I thought you would never turn up in front of me, to see me, to love me.
Hu Jin: I passed a man on the corner on my way here looking for you. I heard him singing the song of Qiqiaojie. I thought it was you. So I waved at him. But it turned out to be a stranger.
Li Fang: Could you forgive me? I have no gifts for you on this happy and sad Valentine’s Day.
7. Writing an imagined and different ending to the story of Li Fang, beginning with:
As he sadly passed the tea shop on the corner on his w ay…
8. Writing a description
To inform the foreigners of the Chinese culture, you are to write a description of Qiqiaojie in English. You may begin like this:
Love story for this day is about the 7th daughter of Emperor of Heaven and an orphaned cowherd. They were separated by the Emperor. The 7th daughter was forced to move to the star Vega and the cowherd moved to the star Altair. They were allowed to meet only once a year on the day of 7th day of 7th lunar month.
9. Finding information
Go to the library to read or get online to search in order to find more information on festivals and celebrations. Take notes of your finding and report to your group mates next period.
10. Writing letters
Write a letter either to Zhinu or Niulang, telling about the modern life and the modern love.
11. Closing down
Closing down by filling a form
Make use of  the text and others to fill in the form.
OF Li Fang and Hu Jin Of Niulang and Zhinu
Closing down by describing the stars of Vega and Altair
To end this period, I am going to ask you to write a short passage to describe to the class the two stars of Vega and Altair which are related to Qiqiaojie, the Chinese Valentine’s Day.
For reference:
The Stars
The star Vega (Weaving Mai d) is the 5th brightest star in the sky. Therefore, it's very easy to find in the summer night. The size of Vega is 16 times bigger than the Sun. The temperature on its surface is more than 10,000 degrees. The brightness of Vega is 25 times brighter than the Sun. It's 25 light years away from the Earth.
The star Altair (Cowherd) is the 11th brightest star in the sky. Therefore, it's not difficult to find in the summer night. The size of Altair is 4 times bigger than the Sun. The temperature on its surface is about 8,000 degrees. The brightness of Altair is 11 times brighter than the Sun. It's 17 light years away from the Earth.




