华裔男子输光身家 曼哈顿大桥夹层中修建蜗居【高考英语阅读素材】

所属专题:高考英语阅读素材  来源:    要点:华裔男子蜗居曼哈顿大桥  
编辑点评: 纽约市一华裔男子因无家可归,只能在曼哈顿大桥用木板搭起一间小棚屋,并在这里居住了一年。该男子13年前从中国上海来到美国,没想到因为赌博输光了家产,只好蜗居在这纽约著名地标里啦。

Clambering down from his tiny coffin-sized shack built into the steel girders of its huge frame, this is the man who lives in Manhattan Bridge.

Calling the New York City landmark home for the past year, he has managed to quietly come and go - while millions of oblivious commuters have rushed past his makeshift wooden home without a second thought or glance.

Speaking heavily accented English, the man offered up his name as Joey and said that he had arrived in New York City 13-years previously from China.

Claiming to have suffered a financial loss through gambling, Joey said that for the past year he has called the Manhattan Bridge his home - constructing the base between the girders using wood discarded from nearby Chinatown.

Indeed, dotted around the shack built into the bridge are evidence of his shanty construction - wooden boards and used water bottles litter the area.

The tiny, narrow dwellings are just big enough for one person to lie down and seem to be protected with bike locks.

The living spaces provide little silence as loud subway trains rumble by on four different tracks, 24 hours a day.

The spot Joey is located in is rather dangerous and is at a point in the bike path that is poorly lit and well-trafficked.

Last Sunday a cyclst saw Joey climbing to his rustic nook and mistook him for a jumper, calling 911 to report what he thought was an impending suicide.

The NYPD declined to comment to MailOnline regarding the dwellings, and the Department of Transportation has yet to return a message left seeking comment.




