婚礼上新郎失踪 宾客自告奋勇娶新娘 【高考英语阅读素材】

所属专题:高考英语阅读素材  来源:    要点:宾客自告奋勇娶新娘  
编辑点评: 婚礼上新郎玩失踪,该怎么进行下去?日前一个印度新郎在婚礼上失去踪影让新娘的家人很抓狂,这样一个参加婚礼的宾客,挺身而出自愿代替新郎娶妻。

When a groom in India failed to show up for his wedding this week, a guest stepped up to marry the bride instead.

P. Ponradha, 23 was set to be married to J. Sithiraivelu, 35, on Wednesday in the Tamil Nadu town of Lakshmimanagaram, according to The Star's translation of Tamil daily newspaper Malaysia Nanban.

The festivities were already starting on Tuesday evening when the bride's family learned the groom had vanished after an argument with his family. According to the Times of India, "the bride's family went into a frenzy, as a stopped marriage would affect the girl's future."

The frenzy subsided, however, when a second man, 30-year-old relative of the bride named Sivakumar, volunteered to marry her instead. From the Times:
万幸的是有一位参加婚礼的宾客,30岁的女方亲戚Sivakumar 自告奋勇站出来,表示愿意娶新娘。根据《印度时报》的报道:

The wedding then took place as per the schedule, much to the relief of the family. The other guests who had come there also congratulated and appreciated Sivakumar for his timely gesture.
婚礼按照原计划进行,也让新娘的家人松了口气,其他的参加婚礼的宾客也对Sivakumar 及时的挺身而出表示了祝贺和欣赏。




