在线教育网站CreativeLive 融资2150万美元【高考英语阅读素材】

所属专题:高考英语阅读素材  来源:    要点:CreativeLive融资2150万美元  
编辑点评: 在线教育网站 CreativeLive 日前获得2150万美元的融资,这家在线创意教育门户网站成立于2010年,目的是要激活每个人心中的创意细胞,主要服务是直播摄影、视频、电影、设计、商业、音频、音乐、软件及生活方式等领域的相关工作室专家的课程。

CreativeLive, a site that produces and airs live continuing-education classes, has received a hefty Series B round of $21.5 million led by the Social+Capital Partnership and including previous investor Greylock Partners.
CreativeLive是一家提供继续教育课程直播的在线创意教育网站,目前已经在B轮融资中筹到2150万美元的资金。此轮主要投资方是风险投资基金 Social+Capital Partnership,其他投资方还包括CreativeLive 之前的投资者——风险投资公司Greylock Partners。

There’s no lack of money going into online education startups these days, but CreativeLive said it stands out from the pack.

“We’ve really taken our own path,” said CEO Mika Salmi in an interview on Wednesday. “Everything else is on-demand video, or in the MOOC (massive open online course) space.” Instead, CreativeLive tries to virtually recreate the notion of a long-form classroom session.
CreativeLive的CEO米卡-萨米尔星期三在接受记者采访时说:“我们已经步入正轨了,其他的那些都只是按需视频点播和MOOC空间。” CreativeLive 却不同,它事实上是在努力重新创造出一个长期课堂教学的概念。

That long-form ratio is reflected in the company’s latest stats: Two million students have watched a billion minutes over the past three years.
这种长期比率也反映在了公司的最新数据:三年来,已有200万学生使用了CreativeLive 在线教育,总时长约为10亿分钟。

Of course, CreativeLive doesn’t throw away the content after it airs; that’s actually where it makes its money. On-demand access to workshops can cost hundreds of dollars. Live videos and rebroadcasts are free.
当然,CreativeLive 在完成课程直播之后并不会删除这些内容,事实上这也成了CreativeLive的创收渠道。 用户按需点击相关的课程需要交费几百美元。但是,直播视频和重播视频都是免费的。

Further justifying his pile of venture moolah, Salmi said, “The continuing education field is huge, and it’s as broken or more broken than traditional education, because it’s so fragmented.”

CreativeLive, which previously raised $8 million, reached profitability earlier this year, but now is spending more than it is making on revamping its platform and expanding the business, Salmi said.
萨米尔表示,CreativeLive 在此前的融资中筹集到800万美元,已经在今年初开始盈利。但目前的开支更大,而这些开支主要花费在修整平台和拓展业务方面。

This fall, the company added courses in music and audio, as well as crafting and making.




