英国小猫误拨电话报警 警察破门而入【高考英语阅读素材】

所属专题:高考英语阅读素材  来源:    要点:英国小猫误报警  
编辑点评: 英国伦敦一只小猫日前给主人和警方惹下了大麻烦。它独自在家时竟然用爪子拨通了999报警电话,伦敦警方在接到“安静电话”后担心有人遭遇不测,闯入小猫主人家进行营救,最后只能无奈而返。

When a silent 999 call came through, police were taking no chances.

The address was traced and officers were dispatched.

With no response to their knocking and ringing of the bell, they battered down the front door and discovered, to their relief and amusement, the unlikely source of the SOS.

The call had come from Bruce, a pedigree Singapura kitten, who had been left indoors while the flat’s occupants were at work, and who had been pursuing his fascination with the house telephone and managed to call the emergency number as he pawed at it.

He was found by officers hiding in a wardrobe ‘looking very naughty’.

Last night owner James Cocksedge, 33, a sound engineer told how he came home to find an officer waiting in his car outside his flat in north-west London – with the door hanging off its hinges.

‘The first thing he said to me was, “don’t worry the cat is fine”,’ he said, ‘and I knew then that Bruce was involved.

‘Since we had the landline installed Bruce always rushes to answer the phone when it rings. He’s also fascinated by the buttons, which he loves to press.’

‘The police officer then explained they’d received a 999 call from our address.They were only doing their job,’ he added. ‘For all they know something really dangerous was going on in the flat.’

However, it has left him with a bills for several hundred pounds for a new front door.

A Metropolitan Police spokesman confirmed officers had been called to Mr Cocksedge’s flat on October 17.

‘A cat is referred to in the closing remarks of the record of police attendance at the address,’ he said.The Metropolitan Police Service takes all abandoned calls made to police seriously.’




