英国女记者:日饮3升水 4周年轻10岁【高考英语阅读素材】

所属专题:高考英语阅读素材  来源:    要点:英国女记者喝水年轻10岁  
编辑点评: 英国一个42岁的电台记者,因为常年头疼和消化系统问题困扰,然后去看医生,医生就让她每天喝水,她每天喝足3公升水,短短4周不仅瘦了2磅,腰围也减了,人还年轻了。让我们来看看四周的喝水计划能带来怎样的变化吧!

1. Week One Weight: 8st 7lb Waist: 28in
第一周 体重:53.97公斤 腰围:28英寸

Three litres of water sounds like an awful lot. I visit my local GP to be sure there can be no adverse health implications to upping my water intake so dramatically. He is very encouraging. I'm enjoying lots of cups of tea. For years I've been doing ten minutes of yoga every morning straight after I get up, but I've been feeling stiffer over the past six months. Yet since I started drinking more water my flexibility has improved.

2. Week Two Weight: 8st 6lb Waist: 28in
第二周 体重:53.52公斤 腰围:28英寸

My complexion is improving and my skin tone is more even. I still have wrinkles under my eyes, but they look less crepey and shadowy than before. The blotches on my face are diminishing, and the shadows around my eyes are less pronounced.

3. Week Three Weight: 8st 6lb Waist: 27.5in
第三周 体重:53.07公斤 腰围:27.5英寸

The dark rings and wrinkles under my eyes have virtually disappeared, and my skin looks plumper and more nourished. I've noticed I've stopped rubbing my eyes when I wake up in the morning. They used to be dry and full of sleep, but not now. All this extra water must be keeping them moist. I have to take a long train journey and I realise afterwards how productive I felt and how easy I found it to concentrate, rather than having my customary snooze.

4.Week Four Weight: 8st 5lb (lost another 1lb) Waist: 27in (another half an inch)
第四周 体重: 腰围:27英寸

I genuinely can't believe the difference in my face. I look like a different woman. My skin is almost as dewy as it was when I was a child.I feel fitter, leaner and healthier, and my husband and friends tell me I look ten years younger. Who would not want to try something which gets such incredible results?




