
所属专题:关于微博的英语作文  来源:沪江高考资源网    要点:微博英语作文  
编辑点评: 现代生活变得越来越丰富多彩,互联网是我们生活的重要组成部分,它使我们的生活更有趣,你知道最流行的互联网工具?它叫微博,这意味着一个小博客。他们之间的差异,微博客只是一个普通的博客更简单、更方便。

The modern life is becoming more and more colorful. The Internet is an important part of our life. It makes our life more interesting. Do you know about the most popular Internet tool? It named microblog . It means a small blog. The differences between them are that the micro blog is simpler and more convenient than a common blog. The first microblog website is Twitter. And it’s also the most famous in the world. Now many famous persons in different professions have microblogs such as Han Han, Liu Xiang, Lady Gady, Bill Gates and so on.
Chinese microblog has about five years of history. Though it’s very short,the microblogs in China are popular with young people, especially us students. We students believe that microblog is very useful, we can do many things by using it.
For example, we can get news and information quickly. And we can write our feelings, our sense of life and some small things on it every day just like keeping a simple diary in 140 worlds or fewer. We can enjoy or upload photos, videos and music easily.
What’s more, we can find or create a hot topic, and then talk about the topic with others online. How interesting!
Lots of my classmates and teachers have microblogs. I also like using microblog very much. I often upload my pictures and get some advice from others who can draw well. And it’s also a great way to learn English by using microblogs. We can try to write three beautiful English sentences and then ask someone to modify them and teach us online.
All in all,there are many advantages of using microblogs, this can only give a brief introduction. But remember not to spend too much time on the Internet. Let’s surf the web healthily and grow up happily!



  • 以微博为话题的英语作文


  • 有关微博利弊的英语作文


