
所属专题:上海学生英文报  来源:    要点:欧盟,诺贝尔和平奖  
编辑点评: 欧盟获得诺贝尔和平奖,有人祝贺也有人指责,同学们看完文章,有什么想法呢?严肃声明:本系列文章由《上海学生英文报》独家授权,如无授权,请勿转载。


EU Wins Nobel Peace Prize

The European Union won the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize amidst a three-year-old debt crisis, for promoting peace, democracy and human rights, the Norwegian Nobel Committee (挪威诺贝尔委员会) announced.

The EU has transformed most of Europe “from a continent of wars to a continent of peace,” said Nobel Committee Chairman Thorbjoern Jagland.

The award was a badly needed morale boost for a 60-year-old union in the midst of a midlife crisis. The prize jury urged Europeans to remember the EU’s role in building peace among enemies who fought Europe’s bloodiest wars, even as they try to deal with the economic crisis that threatens its future.

The award was hailed at EU headquarters in Brussels (布鲁塞尔) and by pro-EU leaders across Europe, but criticized by those who consider the EU a super-state that gradually destroys national identities.

Emerging for a brief encounter with reporters, European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso (欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐) declared: “Ladies and gentlemen, I have to say that when I woke up this morning, I did not expect it to be such a good day.”

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (德国首相默克尔), leader of the EU’s biggest economy, described the awarding of the prize to the EU as a “wonderful decision” and said it would inspire her personally to press ahead with closer integration.

The announcement was met with negative reactions in debt-ridden countries like Spain and Greece, where many blame Germany and other northern EU neighbors for the painful austerity measures like higher taxes and job cuts that they have endured in a so-far failed effort to save their troubled economies.

On the streets of Athens, Greece, where demonstrators protested German demands for austerity, the award was greeted with disbelief. “Is this a joke?” asked Chrisoula Panagiotidi, a beautician who had lost her job. “It’s the last thing I would expect. It mocks us and what we are going through right now. All it will do is infuriate people here.”
在希腊雅典的街头,示威者抗议德国的紧缩要求,对于和平奖充满怀疑。“那是个玩笑吗?”Chrisoula Panagiotidi问道,她是一个失去了工作的美容师。“那是我最不期待的事情,它在嘲笑我们以及我们现在所经历的事情。它只会激怒这里的人们。”

As the EU moves toward the three-year mark in its financial crisis, the organization, which is now made up of 500 million people, faces plenty of problems. Progress is slow and 25 million people are out of work.





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