Eating Safely
Food safety is very important to us. How can we make food safe? Here’s some advice.
First, we shouldn’t go out to eat fast food often. At the restaurant there is also some food that isn’t safe, such as unhealthy oil.
Second, we should make food clean before cooking. Remember to boil food.
Third, we should buy and eat food carefully. If the food is in bags, we should read instructions and dates carefully. Make sure the food is safe.
“以人为本,安全第一”,食品安全需要你我的参与;食品安全需要你我共 同的努力。生命的美好从健康做起,身体的健康从食品安全做起,食品的安全从 我开始。为了阳光更加灿烂的明天,让我们从现在做起吧!
- 描写食品安全的英语作文:The lack of responsibility
- 关于食品安全的英语作文
- 英语作文:食品安全的问题
- 食品安全英语作文:食品安全问题