
 来源:    要点:2014高考英语作文范文  
编辑点评: 2014年高考即将来临,2014高考英语作文会出什么题呢?对于考生来说,在考试前一定要好好的看一些高考英语范文,提高自己的英语写作水平。小编为大家准备了一些英语范文,帮助大家提高自己的写作水平。

2014年高考英语话题作文范文:激情的重要性(The importance of passion)

What does passion mean to us? Passion is the seasoning source of your tedious life and so you savor your experience. Passion is the drive to have a passionate night with your lover.

Life is full of ups and downs, it is a struggle. Because we struggle to live, things turn out not to be what we have expected on and off, although, we can comfort us by saying every dog has its day, we grumble in hopelessness. At this time, passion is a drive to overcome your coward.

Life is to live and let live. Without passion, you cannot enjoy such wonderful world.



