
 来源:    要点:2014高考英语作文范文  
编辑点评: 2014年高考即将来临,2014高考英语作文会出什么题呢?对于考生来说,在考试前一定要好好的看一些高考英语范文,提高自己的英语写作水平。小编为大家准备了一些英语范文,帮助大家提高自己的写作水平。


近几年,奥运会获奖运动员的高薪问题引起了广泛的社会关注。 有些人支持这种做法,认为运动员们付出了很多努力,应该得到回报;有些人则持反对意见。请你就此写一篇100词左右的英语短文并发表自己的看法。


In recent years, the topic whether it is fair for athletes to pocket large sums of money has aroused more and more discussion.

Those who support giving sportsmen high salaries think that athletes have won a great reputation for our country in the Olympic Games. What’s more, athletes must undergo painstaking physical and psychological training. Besides, they offer a lot of encouragement to young people to take part in physical activities.

However, some people have different ideas. They consider that athletes do little to boost the national economy directly. Thus they should not receive so much money.

I believe that they should get high salaries, considering all the efforts they have made.



