英语作文:我和朋友(I and Friend)

所属专题:2016高考英语作文预测  来源:    要点:高考英语作文指导  
编辑点评: 朋友,虽然是交际圈中最为友好或可靠的交际对象,但是,人性复杂,与朋友交际,也要深思慎交,分出亲疏。根据常情,大凡成为朋友者,有的是趣味、性格相投,有的是志趣相仿,有的是文化层次相近,有的是人格清高、心灵相通等等。

I am a girl of 18. Just like all the youngsters of this age , I consider friends almost as the whole of my life .It seems that I am lucky to be born as an open and easy-going girl, so you can imagine how many friends I will have. As a matter of fact, I‘m really fortunate to have a plenty of friends. We laugh together ,weep together,like brothers and sisters.The feeling of that is comfortable and fantastic.

I like to participate in sport games with the boys ,such as playing basketball in the gym,kicking football in the playground,swimming in the pool.. And that really brings me a lot of pleasures .I usually communicate with the girls ,talking about the latest teleplays or in which shop there are bargains on sale worth purchasing . With so many friends around me , I never feel lonely,and the happiness is growing all the time. Sometimes we may have a small conflict as well , but we never exaggerate it and will always forget it quickly. We all know the biggest ship is Titanic but it sank, so the best ship is still friendship.I love my friends just as to like my own eyes .

They are a big treasure in my life which is worthy to cherish forever .May the flowers of the friendship boom in every four seasons!





