英语学习:English for Cashiers 收银员英语

所属专题:疯狂星期三,课程半价抢!  来源:    要点:高考英语复习资料  
编辑点评: 英语在欧洲、中国及日本是最普遍作为外语来学习的语言(32.6%),接着是葡萄牙语、德语和西班牙语。基本英语是为了国际交流使用的简化了的英语。它通常被一些飞机厂商和其它国际商业用作写手册和交流。东亚的一些学校把它作为基础英语来教授。

Are you looking for a job in a foreign country? Many foreign workers start out as cashiers. You can learn a lot of English in this job. Cashiers work in grocery stores, department stores, restaurants, and other businesses. Cashiers play an important role in many businesses.

Most cashiers receive training on the job. Your training may be difficult if your supervisor doesn't speak your native language. These pages will help you learn and practise vocabulary and expressions related to working as a cashier. Read and listen to the lessons. Then take the quizzes to test your comprehension.




